Yin Yang XVIII
Valley of the missing piece
My first memory is holding a box and running home with it, running with the clatter of broken pieces. Someone sits beside me on the floor and shows me what to do, and piece by piece, I watch farm animals take shape.
There was a piece missing, a piece of the cow. I was upset and the person beside me comforted me, and then showed me words written on the box. Made in the valley of the missing piece.
My mom says it wasn’t her who helped me with the puzzle, and it wasn’t my dad, and they’ve never been to the valley of the missing piece. So if we’re going somewhere this summer, it’s where I want to go, said Ermanno.
“Do you still have the puzzle?” Puga asked him.
“I don’t know. I’d have to check the attic, and the attic’s a nightmare.”
“We’ll help you,” said Seville.
They helped him and so did his parents.
“Might as well get it cleaned up,” said his mom.
“I’ll get the garbage bags,” said his dad.
They went through piles of stuff and boxes filled with stuff, but there was no trace of the puzzle.
“Wait, what’s that in the corner?”
“We missed a box. Pull it out.”
They pulled it out.
“It’s not one of ours,” said his mom. She read the label, “Sandro. I don’t recognise the name.”
“Can we open it?”
“Open it.”
On top was the puzzle.

“It’s the puzzle,” said Ermanno, feeling like he was in a dream. “This is the piece missing, the white belly. And look here, Made in the valley of the missing piece.”
“Whoa,” said his dad. “This is spooky.”
“Man, I just got goose bumps,” said Puga.
“Me too,” said Seville.
“We should call someone,” said his mom. “Call the police.”
She called the police.
When they arrived, Ermanno and his friends were doing the puzzle on the living room floor.
“Is this the puzzle you remember?” Police officer #1 asked Ermanno.
“Yes,” said Ermanno.
“How many pieces left?”
“Two,” said Ermanno, putting them in their place.
“A puzzle that’s never finished,” said Police officer #2. “In your memory, are you Ermanno or Sandro?”
“There aren’t names in my memory. I’m the child and there’s an adult beside me.”
“What else is in Sandro’s box?” asked Police officer #1.
“A quilt with a missing piece,” said the dad. “It’s giving me the creeps.”
Police officer #1 went to check the quilt and to verify that there wasn’t anything left in the box.
There wasn’t.
“Could we see the attic?”
The mom took them to see it.
“We saw all the bags sitting at the curb. This place must have been a nightmare.”
“That’s how we described it.”
“Who owned the house before you?”
“Stan and Lia.”
“Could you get in touch with them? Ask them if they know who Sandro is?”
“I’ll try.”
They went back downstairs.
“What are you doing?”
“Drawing the missing piece,” said Seville, “the belly of the cow. Could I have a pair of scissors?”
She cut out the piece and put it in its place, and the whole puzzle jumped and came apart.
They all ran out of the house.
“It’s a natural reaction with supernatural encounters,” said Police officer #1.
“It’s my first encounter,” said Police officer #2.
“Mine too, actually,” said Police officer #1.
“Let’s do the puzzle again,” said Ermanno. “I want to see if it comes apart again.”
“I’m not going back inside,” said the dad.
“C’mon, dad,” said Ermanno, taking his dad inside.
They did the puzzle again, and when Seville put the missing piece, the whole puzzle jumped and came apart.
“You should take it to the castle,” said Police officer #2. “Let old king Osiris touch it. A story may come to him.”
“I want to go to the valley of the missing piece. It’s calling me,” said Ermanno.
“First see the old king. He should know about this.”
“The three of you, get in the cruiser. We’ll drive you to the castle,” said Police officer #1 . “Mom and dad can follow.”
They sirened to the castle and told the old king about the puzzle.
“There’s nothing more satisfying to a child than seeing a puzzle completed. It must have affected you,” the old king said to Ermanno.
“He’s perfectly fine,” said the dad.
“I always leave something undone,” said Ermanno, “even if it’s something small. When we were cleaning the attic, I tied up all the garbage bags except the last one. If I had tied it up, it would have felt wrong.”
“Why?” the king asked him.
“Because of what Sandro said.”
His mother had a vision of towels neatly folded, except the last one crumpled on top. “I know now who Sandro is,” she said. “I just remembered.”
“Me too,” said Ermanno.
“He came to clean the house twice a week when you were small. You’d run out of the house to greet him when you saw him coming. He always brought you a toy.”
“He used to say, If you want to see the sun rise tomorrow, leave something undone,” said the dad.
“The puzzle taught me that,” said Ermanno.
“The belief is that there is apotropaic magic in the thing left undone before we go to bed,” said the old king. “It wards off evil spirits, even death, so that we wake up in the morning to complete it.”
“They took the belief seriously,” said the dad. “Sandro’s quilt has a missing piece of fabric, always waiting to be completed. When he took it to bed, he took a permanent site of apotropaic magic.”
“Do you think that’s the reason why they enchanted the puzzle?” asked Seville. “To make the place of the missing piece a permanent site?”
“It could be,” said the mom. “To protect children.”
“Please hand me the puzzle,” said the old king.

The puzzle came with the usual warning given in the valley, not to be completed before going to bed. I had a few pieces left when my dad said it was bedtime.
He tucked me in and wished me safe travels in my sleep, safe travels in the lawless realm of dreams.
I came back safely and so did he, and we thanked the light of the rising sun.
Go finish your puzzle, he said, and I ran to the pieces that were waiting for me. But there was one missing, the belly of the cow.
There’s one missing, I said to my dad. Let’s see, he said, looking around. He spent the day cleaning the house and looking for it. At the end of the day, I watched him dry the dishes and put them away, and when he got to the last one, I cried, Dad! Stop!
He shook his head and put the last plate back in the sink. I almost forgot, he said. He told me there were places where people would have put the last plate away and not thought twice about it. I asked him if they saw the rising sun again, and he said yes.
“Is it a lie?” I asked him.
“No, son. It’s a belief.”
He took the plate out of the sink and I started to cry. Don’t do it, dad, I begged him.
He put the plate down and said we were leaving the valley, moving away. He didn’t want me brought up with so much fear. But first we were going to the puzzle factory to make a claim, and we went there the following day.
He asked them to replace the puzzle and they said they didn’t have the same one anymore. He asked them to replace it with another farm animal puzzle and they said they couldn’t do that. They said that there was nothing wrong with the puzzle if it was only missing one piece. It’s good magic.
My dad’s face turned red. He told them that something needed to be done when a belief became an excuse for poor work.
They laughed and my father cursed. He looked at the factory that gave the valley its name and said, May every puzzle made in this factory have a missing piece.
His curse came true. My puzzle wasn’t made in the valley of puzzles anymore. It was made in the valley of the missing piece.
We came to live here, but my dad couldn’t shake off the belief that I’d grown up with. It anchored me, he said, coming to terms with it. So he too followed it until the day he died. He woke up one day and put the last plate away, and then lay down again and the gods took him.

“It’s not enchanted,” said the old king. “It’s cursed.”
“How do we break a curse?” asked Police officer #2.
“Every curse needs to be studied before it can be broken,” said the old king.
“The people of the valley must have been trying to break it ever since it happened,” said Police officer #1.
“You need to go there and find out,” said the old king.
“I wonder if Sandro has tried to break it,” said Ermanno.
“I don’t think so,” said his mom. “Before the curse, puzzles simply carried a warning not to be completed before going to bed. After the curse, they seem to have become a teaching tool, a way of propagating the valley’s belief. He used the farm animal puzzle to teach it to you.”
The old king looked at the puzzle, “You know how every earthquake has an epicentre?”
“Actually, ” said Puga, “earthquakes have a hypocentre and an epicentre. The hypocentre is where they start, below the surface of the earth. The epicentre is directly above the hypocentre, on the surface of the earth.”
“Aha,” said the old king. “You should think of the curse the way you think of an earthquake. Where’s the hypocentre and where’s the epicentre. This puzzle was involved in the curse. You may need it to break it-“
“Squawk! Squawk-squawk-squawk!”
The old king looked out the window and seagull droppings fell on the puzzle. “Oh dear!” he exclaimed.
The dad took the puzzle to clean with his handkerchief. “Look at this,” he showed the puzzle around. “The droppings only fell on the picture of the cow.”
“Aren’t seagulls birds of the earthshaker, Op-Neptune?” asked Seville.
“They are,” said the king. “Op-Neptune also presides over enchantments and curses.”
“There’s another god I’ve been thinking about,” said Police officer #2. “Op-Zeus, a manifestation of Op-Yoda. I’ve read that his light can bring forth beliefs that help humanity, and his shadow can impose beliefs that enslave humanity.”
“And everything in between,” said the old king. “He’s a mighty god.”
“Your majesty, do Jack and I have your permission to go to the valley of the missing piece?” asked Police officer #1
“You have my permission, Jill. Ermanno, Puga and Seville can ride with you, and mom and dad can follow behind. But there’s no need to siren all the way there.”
“Understood,” said Jack and Jill.

Mom and dad decided not to go. “Take this with you,” said the dad, putting Sandro’s box and the quilt in the trunk. “The reason Sandro stopped working for us was because he was going back home. You might meet him there.”
They left, and rain made the drive a quiet one.
“Let’s hope it clears when we get there.”
It cleared when they got to the loading ramp of the ferry that would take them there.
“The water’s more lawless than usual,” said the ferry driver. “Let’s wait awhile.”
They waited with him.
“What brings you to the valley? A visit to the puzzle factory, I bet.”
“Is it a popular attraction?”
“Ever since the curse. They have a tour-“
“You’ve been?”
“Yes. You get to stand where Sandro Sr and Sandro Jr stood making their claim, you know, asking for the farm animal puzzle to be replaced. Then you go inside the factory where they have the cutting machines, but you must buy a puzzle first, choose an image and how many pieces you want, from a hundred to a thousand. They lay out the cardboard image in front of you and you see it go through the cutting machine. The factory’s been inspected many times, to make sure the whole thing’s not a hoax-“
“It’s been cleared?”
“Every time. But a piece is always missing when you make them.”
“Has anyone tried breaking the curse?”
“Guru Matt tried every day when it happened-“
“Is he guru of the valley?”
“Not anymore. We have a new guru, Guru Mar. But when it happened, it was Guru Matt. He got the factory workers together, and they performed many rituals and apologised to the gods, to Op-Zeus in particular, for using the valley’s belief as an excuse not to resolve the claim.”
“What about Op-Neptune?”
“Him too, they asked him for absolution and for the dissolution of the curse.”
“Did anything happen?”
“Severe thunderstorms. The river flooded.”
“Has anyone tried breaking the curse lately?”
“Guru Mar tries whenever there’s a full moon.”
“There’s a full moon tomorrow.”
“She’ll be at it.”
“What about Sandro? Do you know him?”
“Sandro Sr passed away, but Jr lives in the valley. Don’t know much about him. Well, the water’s as calm as it’s going to get. Let’s see you board.”
They found lodgings when they arrived, and before supper, went for a walk.
“Let’s go see the factory.”
They asked a woman for directions and she took them there. “I’m performing a ritual in the factory tomorrow morning, before it opens. I’m hoping for a sign that will tell me what to do.”
“You must be Guru Mar. The ferry driver told us your name.”
“Yes. You’re visiting the valley?”
“From valley eighty four.”
“Where one of the mood gems comes from.”
“Old king Osiris told us to think of a curse the way we think of an earthquake. An earthquake starts inside the earth, in a fault line, and the place where it starts is called the hypocentre. Directly above it, on the surface of the earth, is the epicentre.”
“There’s a painting in the factory of Sandro Sr holding his son with his left hand, and the puzzle is in his right. Circles radiate from the puzzle. I should say semi circles, reaching out to the rest of the factory. It’s as if the puzzle were the epicentre of an earthquake.”
“The old king said that the original puzzle, Sandro’s puzzle, may be needed to break the curse.”
“We’ve asked Sandro Jr for it, but he says it’s lost.”
“I have-“
Before Ermanno could say that he had the puzzle, seagull droppings fell on his sandal and toes.
“You can clean them on the grass over there,” said Jill, taking him by the elbow. She then whispered in his ear, “Don’t tell anyone you have it.”
When they came back, Guru Mar was saying that the hypocentre must be where the gods reside, “With Op-Neptune who can dissolve the boundaries of words and make a curse come true, and with Op-Zeus who can take a belief to an extreme so that we question it.”
They were hoping for an invitation to her ritual but she didn’t invite them. She sat on a bench facing the factory and told them they should come for a tour.
“At what time does it open?”
“Tours begin at 9,” she said.
They went back to their lodgings for supper.

The factory was almost deserted.
“We used to be the number one exporter of puzzles, until the curse,” said the tour guide. “Now our revenues come from the puzzles we sell locally and the tours we give.”
“Guru Mar told us about a painting.”
“You’re standing where Sandro Sr and Jr made their claim. The painting’s on the wall behind you.”
They turned.
“Whoever painted this made Sandro Sr look like a god.”
“Like the hypocentre of the curse.”
“Sandro Jr is bundled up in the quilt with the missing piece of fabric. Who painted this?”
“Sandro Jr himself,” said the tour guide.
They heard loud voices coming toward them, an argument, two people, Guru Mar and-
“Sandro, all I’m saying is what my intuition tells me.”
She stopped when she saw them, “Our visitors from valley eighty four.”
Sandro’s face dropped for a second, then he lifted it and said, “Hello. Welcome.” His eyes wandered from face to face, Seville, Puga, Jill, Jack, and they rested on Ermanno.
“What does your intuition tell you, mom?” the tour guide asked Guru Mar, his mother.
“I don’t have time for this. I’m leaving,” said Sandro, and left.
Guru Mar gave a sigh. She told them that she had tried throwing a cursed puzzle away, not once, but three times. Each time, she put it in the garbage, and each time, it showed up back in the house, “So I was telling Sandro that my intuition tells me his puzzle isn’t lost.”
“Help!” someone cried.
It was the cloakroom attendant. She came running to them, “I left the cloakroom to use the washroom, and when I came back, Mr. Sandro was going through your backpacks. He’s stolen something. He saw me and ran out the main entrance.”
They all went to the cloakroom where the backpacks were hanging on hooks, unzipped.
“He took it,” said Ermanno. looking inside his backpack. “He recognised me.”
“What did he take?” asked Guru Mar.
“The farm animal puzzle, the original one,” said Jill. “Sandro worked for Ermanno’s family as a cleaner when Ermanno was just a kid. Sandro gave him the puzzle. It was lying forgotten in the attic until a couple of days ago. The puzzle brought us here.”
“He knows it’s the key to breaking the curse,” said Guru Mar, “and he doesn’t want to break it.”
“We have the other key,” said Jack. He went to sit beside Ermanno who was sobbing, “We have the quilt, Ermanno, remember? It’s in the trunk of the cruiser.”

Jack and Jill went to the cruiser to get the quilt, and when they came back, they locked the main entrance.
All hands had gathered where Sandro Sr and Sandro Jr once made their claim.
“It’s the quilt in the painting,” said a machine operator when Jack and Jill joined them.
“Yes,” said Guru Mar. “It may help us break the curse. Ermanno, why don’t you stand here with the quilt?”
Ermanno took the quilt and stood in front of the painting.
“I will now invoke the gods,” she said, and everyone lowered their eyes, “God of gods, we have lived under the curse of the missing piece for a very long time-“
There was banging at the main entrance.
“It must be Sandro,” she said.
“What should we do?” asked the cloakroom attendant.
“Ask him if he comes in peace, and if he’s ready to break the curse.”
She went to ask him.
“He’s ready.”
“Ask him if he brought the puzzle.”
She went to ask him.
“He brought it.”
“Tell him to shake the box, and only let him in if you hear the clatter of broken pieces.”
Sandro came in and Guru Mar asked him to stand beside Ermanno. Then she lowered her eyes, “God of gods, we have lived under the curse of the missing piece for a very long time. We humbly ask the god Op-Neptune to wash it away, and we humbly ask the god Op-Zeus to give us another chance.”
A rumbling came from above, and a ray of light broke through the ceiling and hovered above the missing piece of fabric in the quilt.
Another ray of light broke through the ceiling and hovered above the belly of the cow.
“We’re missing someone,” said the machine operator.
“I know who,” said Jack. He knelt down, “The Goddess Op-Venus, goddess of relationship, goddess of beauty and love.”
“The factory didn’t do such a good job taking care of its customers,” said the machine operator. “But we’ll do better.”
“All those warnings about the valley’s belief instill fear instead of love,” said the cloakroom attendant. “We need to change that.”
“I miss the beauty of completing a puzzle,” said the tour guide.
“We humbly ask the god Op-Neptune to wash the curse away,” said Guru Mar, “we humbly ask the god Op-Zeus to give us another chance, and we humbly ask the goddess Op-Venus to forgive us for forgetting her.”
The rumbling grew louder and the rays grew so luminous that they were forced to shut their eyes. Then all was quiet. Ermanno checked the quilt and it wasn’t missing a piece of fabric anymore, and-
“Sandro,” he said, “look.” He pointed at the words written on the puzzle, “Made in the valley of puzzles.” He pulled Sandro to the floor and poured the pieces out, “This was my first puzzle. You taught me what to do.”
Everyone sat around them and watched them do the puzzle.
“What made you change your mind?” Guru Mar asked Sandro.
“A seagull from heaven,” he said. “I was running home with the puzzle when I saw a sparkling dot in the sky. I stopped to look at it. A star in broad daylight that turned into a seagull, bird of Op-Neptune. I know it was you, I told him. Give me a sign if it’s time to undo my dad’s words, I said, and a splat fell on the puzzle, a splat that landed on the picture of the cow.”
“You’re almost done,” said Puga.
“Just a couple of pieces left.”
“Did you leave the puzzle in my attic?”
“No. I left a box with the quilt and the puzzle at the curb before moving back here.”
“They were in my attic.”
“Oh, no. Where’s the belly of the cow?”
“I have it,” said Seville, handing it to Sandro.
Sandro checked his watch.
“Don’t worry. It’s only 2 o’clock.”

Sandro took the missing piece, and they all rested a hand on his hand, arms, shoulders, back, and completed the puzzle.
It didn’t jump and come apart.
“We broke the curse,” said Guru Mar.

Today, Pluto is in that place between Aquarius and Capricorn, where gods and the laws can meet.
In the U.S. congress, the Israeli prime minister referred back to the Abraham Accords, and spoke of the possibility of a new alliance, and proposed a name, the Abraham Alliance.
Pluto is digging in that place between Aquarius and Capricorn, where an ideology and the laws that uphold it can meet.
A war in Gaza and a war in Ukraine.
Wars between brothers for the right to self determination.
Chart for July 26, 2024

Mars and Jupiter are transiting Gemini. Jupiter returns to Gemini every 12 years, and during his year in the sign, Mars joins him. But they have not conjoined in Gemini since April 4, 1942.
Back in 1942, Pluto was in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, with Saturn.
Japan attacked the Philippines, an American colony, acquired by the United States in the Spanish-American War.
American and Filipino troops fought side by side against Japan.
Coloniser and colonised fighting against a greater enemy.
Chart for April 4, 1942, Corregidor (Bataan), Philippines, 1:43 am

The Philippines was going through a transitional period, preparing itself to become an independent country. Independence would take effect in1946, if the United States deemed the country ready.
Pluto was in Leo, digging up mirrors that no longer served us,
and Uranus was in Taurus, Saturn and Uranus, Saturn on a fault line, the hypocentre of an earthquake that broke all mirrors and asked that a new one be created without forgetting Venus.
Venus in Aquarius.
World War II was the beginning of the end of the colonial relationship,
the beginning of a world where self determination became a core principle of international law.
There are laws in Capricorn, and where Capricorn touches Aquarius, there are international laws.
Mercury rules places in between and zero degrees, and in light, Mercury in Pisces is blind to race and creed. He does not distinguish one wounded person from another, friend or enemy in need.
Japan’s invasion of the Philippines interrupted the process of separation. All the learning requirements for independence had to stop
when Mars joined Jupiter in Gemini,
and a brotherhood was formed out of necessity.
Americans and Filipinos fought together, fell together, suffered the Bataan Death March together.
They marched together on this earth, coloniser and colonised, held by the knot of necessity, a march that dissolved an old relationship and changed the infrastructure of the mind, the psychology of people,
and opened the door to independence.
No delays, no denial. The Treaty of Manila officially recognised the Philippines as an independent country on July 4, 1946.
The Bataan Death March, April 9, 1942 by Mukai Junkichi

This year Mars Jupiter will form an exact conjunction on August 14.
In Kyiv, Ukraine,
chart for August 14, 2024, 18:04 pm, Kyiv

This is not 1942. Pluto is not in Leo. He is making his entry into Aquarius, the other side of the polarity.
There is already something brewing, with Mars and Jupiter coming together. About Ukraine there is consideration about cease fire talks with Russia. The mounting costs of the war.
Ukraine depends on the backing and support of its allies, pooled resources.
With Pluto in that space in between, the pressure of marching with Ukraine, brotherhood with Ukraine, may be on them. To get approval in their own lands for the resources needed to continue the war.
To continue the war negotiating with the enemy.
There is history in Capricorn, the patterns of the past, and Saturn in Pisces can ask for a consolidation of all that came before, and Venus in Virgo can ask that we learn from our mistakes.
Hitler took Czechoslovakia and we did not rise against him.
Ukraine rose against Russia.
Neptune is paving the way in Pisces, where there is a war in the heavens, where there is a change of era, and Saturn is in Pisces, planet of limitations and consequences.
A war not allowed to expand into Russian territory.
Fingers of god pointing at Mercury, in Leo that holds the mirror of self expression, where Hercules laboured to break the chains that held him, and in Virgo where there is a time for every season, and compromise.
A transit that can bring tension, and resolve.
There is hierarchy in Capricorn, those that hold more power than others, those of equal power that hold each other in check.
The power that technology brings, the power of weapons. Hephaestus in Aquarius and Taurus.
But there is also Prometheus who stole the fire of the gods to give to us, the fire of knowledge and civilization.
Chart for July 10, 2024

On this day Canadian authors withdrew from the Giller Prize. Once a 25,000 dollar prize, now over a 100,000 with the sponsorship of a bank and others.
Pluto was at 1 degree Aquarius in retrograde motion. Aquarius, natural ruler of the eleventh house of the groups we belong to and of pooled resources.
They dug into the sponsors’ investments and withdrew from the competition in protest. A soft war against their homeland.
Pluto in Aquarius and Mars approaching an exact conjunction with Uranus.
They said no to a prestigious award, no to the prize. No to genocide. No to censorship.
An audience in Virgo is not a large audience, but in a square to Jupiter in Gemini it can grow to include people who believe in the freedom of expression, in the right to express a point of view that may differ from those who have power and resources.
Mars in now approaching an exact conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini.
Chart for August 14, 2024, 18:04 pm, East Jerusalem, Palestine

Venus in Leo can embellish. Venus in Virgo wants evidence. Were children beheaded and women raped when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023?
A whole generation brought up to date with the Palestine and Israel conflict.
Ancestral land, physical and biblical.
On April 4, 1942, the Moon was in Scorpio.
All those who did not march with the American and Filipino troops and collaborated with the Japanese were tried as traitors.
Here the Moon is in Sagittarius,
and the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini.
The polarity of knowledge.
To march with the Palestinian people after the Hamas attack, all the people killed and taken hostage, and their own put at risk, is not an easy thing to do.
Unless there is hatred toward the Israelis.
To march with the Israeli people after the intentional land encroachments, the violation of Palestinian rights, the taking of the Palestinian capital, taking Palestinians to an extreme and dropping bombs on Gaza is not an easy thing to do.
Unless there is hatred toward the Palestinians, or a complete disregard.
Inner knowledge.
The Saturn Venus opposition does not allow room for illusions. It asks, What is it that we teach? Pluto is in Capricorn where there are bones that hold us up, institutions, schools, and Pluto is in Aquarius where there are ideas, ideas that we carry in our head.
The spirit of the times asks that we take responsibility
because beneath the cross and the grand square is the Sun in Leo, and there are children in Leo and the moral crossroads.
The prime minister of Israel has the go ahead to keep bombing Gaza. Resources to ensure security. Ketu is in Libra, and there are alliances in Libra, and the ruler in Virgo can speak of justice,
and Gemini is in the sixth house of work where there can be a brotherhood based on exchange,
and in the sixth house is Jupiter, an extreme planet, largest planet in the solar system, and Mars is a warrior,
kept in check by Saturn
and inner knowledge.
There is an asteroid belt between Mars the warrior and Jupiter, largest planet and protector of the earth.
To begin again. Pluto and Saturn are in retrograde motion. Neptune is in retrograde motion. Fingers of god pointing at Mercury also in retrograde.
Mercury between Leo and Virgo.
There is identity in Leo and culture in Virgo,
and in Mercury that is Thoth there are words.
The words used to describe a people.
Neptune can dissolve the boundaries of words and they can influence the idea we carry of a people.
To go back and rewrite the words,
words that tell us that a Palestinian is worth as much as an Israeli.
What greater enemy could bring them together?
Moon in Sagittarius An earthquake. An earthquake that-
Neptune in Pisces Shh! Don’t say anymore. Let them imagine scenarios of rescue.
Mars Jupiter in Gemini We just imagined the people of Gaza handing out their last shipment of flour. They’re now heading to Old Jerusalem to help rebuild the Wall.
Chart for June 14, 1991

Ending Apartheid
Ending the Soviet Union.
Jupiter almost ignited to become our second sun. Wherever he is in the chart we can reach for the gods, and in shadow, there can be hubris.
Mars, warrior of the Sun, can battle with Jupiter.
Leo is the natural ruler of the fifth house of children and parenting, the relationship between parent and child.
In Leo there is a king who gave Hercules a list of Labours. He disqualified the Labours that Hercules did not perform alone and added some more, until Hercules completed the Labours and broke the chains that held him.
In Leo there is a pelt, a mirror that shows our reflection.
How we parent. How we rule our kingdom. How we express ourselves. And there is also the element of aloneness, achieving something without outside interference.
The Sun, lifegiver, ruler of Leo.
The Sun in Gemini can ask that there be equal exchange, that both sides hold the power of the word. There is retribution in Gemini and the road to a trial by jury, let the people decide.
Venus joined the battle in 1991. She carried the mes of universality, human rights and self determination, and told them that their battle was outdated. Pluto plucks what is outdated, and in Scorpio he can pluck the ways a clan holds its members together, its non members in their place, with psychological tools and weapons, and a constitution that had to be burnt down and created anew.
The phoenix rising in Capricorn where Enki-Ea made the laws. The phoenix rising in Capricorn where Uranus Neptune were singing to bring down walls.
There was external pressure, sanctions on South Africa, but South Africa had to do it alone, the Soviet Union had to do it alone. With the Moon and Chiron in Cancer, they had to bring people into the lake, give people the independence to form a lake of their own.
Chart for June 14, 1991, 16:45, Pretoria

Sagittarius was rising in South Africa when Mars Jupiter reached the climax of their battle. Reason and instinct told the land that there was no turning back. Time to take the initiative and weave in the ninth house of wisdom, in the ninth house of what is foreign to us, to integrate all the different points of view of the various groups in the land and write a new constitution.
To submit in Leo.
There is a stage in Leo, and personalities who want what they want, De Klerk and Mandela. Mars conjoined Jupiter, Venus conjoined Jupiter, and Venus conjoined Mars. Barriers in getting what they wanted, barriers that made them submit in Leo, submit to the Sun to move forward, and the Sun would give them a gem. No one had to leave, no one had to flee their homeland. In Leo we’re careful who we blame.
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, ruler of Pisces in the fourth house. The fourth house can tell of our defense mechanism, and the defense mechanism against an armed struggle that had destabilised the country and brought sanctions was to consider everyone the same, everyone the right to hold the word, everyone the right of self expression.
In his book, long walk to freedom, Mandela says that real talks began on December 20, 1991, with CODESA, the convention for a democratic South Africa.
On that day,
the Sun, Mercury and Mars were in Sagittarius,
Venus had joined Pluto in Scorpio,
and Jupiter had began his transit in Virgo where Demeter walked the margins of the earth.
Chart for June 14, 1991, 17:45, Moscow

If resources and weapons give power, then Taurus Scorpio is the polarity of power.
Scorpio can deflate what has become too inflated. Pluto in Scorpio can deflate what has become too powerful. And if what hides behind power is putrid, he can transform it or pluck it.
Back in the mid 1980s, with Pluto in Scorpio, two open enemies met on stage to talk to about disarmament.
Gorbachev initiated the talks, and Reagan repeated the Russian proverb, Trust, but verify.
Gorbachev initiated the talks because the USSR was putrid. We will restructure it by ending the nuclear arms race, he said, and redirecting the use of our resources. We will restructure it by decentralising the central command. We will restructure it by incorporating a market economy. Look how well countries with a market economy are doing. But mind you, we won’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. We will remain united, a union of republics, and forge a new ideology, a Socialism.
It was the first step in a layered polarity.
The pressure of joining the market economy.
A year before the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Leo, Gorbachev and Bush continued talks on disarmament. But the reunification of Germany brought tension to the table, an imbalance in the USSR and US spheres of influence.
There was tension at home as well.
Neptune had been paving the way in Capricorn, and Uranus was now well settled in Capricorn, spirit of the times.
A time to dig in Scorpio and create something new in Capricorn, in the third house of neighbourhood, the neighbourhood as a citizen of a country, and the neighbourhood as a citizen of the world.
In the ninth house of higher learning, a whole lake was learning the skills needed to navigate a new structure rising, learning quickly not to be left behind.
The political map of the world was changing.
Germany was getting her old borders.
We want our old borders too, said the people of the Soviet republics.
The central command of the USSR was critical of Gorbachev, critical of what he had triggered, and it tried to hold on to the old ideology, the old ways of totalitarianism, and the children of the land said no, no more.
There is holding on to the baby in Aquarius, and there is a light that shines equally on all peoples, universal rights and the right of self determination.
There are dreams in Aquarius, utopias, and in Leo there are demigods. The polarity of perfection, highest standards.
Utopias that can become dystopias because of Pandora’s box.
Aquarius, place of dreams and ideas, ideologies.
Saturn in Aquarius can ask for one. One ideology, one worldview, the only way to bring two open enemies together to sit at a table and have conversations, negotiate.
Mars Jupiter can bring a power struggle, and a conjunction can ask for submission.
Gorbachev submitted to the Sun in the eighth house, the economic model of others, an economic model that allows people to decide.
It stopped the arms race between two open enemies, the gem that came out of submission. Venus, ruler of Taurus, ruler of Libra, brought them together to sign treaties that reduced weapons of mass destruction
in Leo where the Olympic games began.
Venus conjoined Jupiter, and Venus conjoined Mars, and neither Gorbachev nor Bush got exactly what they wanted.
The USSR, a commonwealth of independent republics.
July 30, 1991 youtube.com/watch?v=ZoA_Tj15524
August 1, 1991 youtube.com/watch?v=Vkjxf76xRTw
Gorbachev resigned on December 25, 1991, and the Soviet Union dissolved the following day.
Chart for February 7, 1951

Pluto was digging in Leo, this place of labour, this place that asks for high standards,
and Uranus was in Cancer where there are lakes that have their own ecosystems.
Chiron asked that we mind the gap in knowledge, and in 1951 we minded the gap in growing groundnuts in Tanganyika.
The groundnut scheme began four years earlier. Great Britain had a shortage of oil for margarine and soap, and people in politics said, Let’s grow groundnuts in Tanganyika. It is well situated on the coast, with easy access to transportation. We can get the machinery in and tons of groundnuts out.
A government funded project, with taxpayer money. But taxpayers weren’t getting a good return on their investment.
Out came agriculture experts who said there wasn’t enough rain to grow groundnuts in Tanganyika, and the soil wasn’t right. Why weren’t we consulted?
Two days after the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, on February 9, the scheme was dropped. Submission to forces greater than us, the forces of nature.
Wait, said Venus and Mars when they conjoined. Wait, said Nigeria. What about us on the western coast? We’ve been growing groundnuts for ages, not on a large scale, but we have the right raw materials. Maybe we could put our heads together.
Chart for February 16, 1951

They put their heads together and grew pyramids of nuts, and they gathered all that came before, experience, information and advice, for all those who wanted to grow nuts in the future. Minding the gap in knowledge, minding the gap in authority.
In Argentina, February 1951 was the time when the CGT, the national trade union federation, asked Evita to run for vice president alongside her husband in the November elections.
There is a chart for Evita, born May 7 1919 in Los Toldos at 5 am, based on bio/autobiographical data.

It makes her an Aries rising, with Mercury in the house of his joy, the first house, and the Moon in the house of her joy, the fifth house. The Moon conjunct Saturn.
First she mastered a public of radio waves, a public that was hidden, that she couldn’t see and couldn’t see her.
Until she met Perón. A romance that brought her to the light. The Sun conjunct Mars brought her to the light, the speaker to be seen. Her voice, her words, a resource.
Then she mastered a public through her charity work.
Her public, her children. She laboured for her children. Medicine for her children, resources for her children, pooled resources, a fund.
A fund that she controlled and made her influential at home.
She made room for the powerless. Shirtless, she called them. She pushed for laws that raised the standard of living of the powerless.
A woman of rescue.
A woman of divine intervention. To be touched by Eva, golden fleeced Chrysomallus.
A woman that was getting out of control.
Saturn can cut in half and she cut the land of Argentina into two halves, shirtless and oligarchs, those loyal to her and those not loyal to her. Her personal war in the heavens.
Her love for Perón.
Venus, ruler of Libra in the house of marriage, is in Gemini where we can differentiate and undifferentiate, and she and Perón were one. Loyalty to Perón. A buffer against a coup.
They say the military opposed her being nominated as vice president, but she did not submit to the military. She submitted to her husband, an army general, who was concerned about her health. Transiting Mars Jupiter in the twelfth house trined her natal Jupiter in the fourth, and he said, Rest.
Ultimately she submitted to an illness that had no cure, but Venus Mars barred her from becoming one of the unremembered dead.
Eva’s work was in Gemini, and her destiny in Sagittarius where there is a mountain top, where there is Pabilsag. Ninth house of knowledge, house of the teacher, preacher. Follow me, she said.
Her husband’s agenda became her agenda. She took over.
Mars can enflame. The Sun Mars are in a square to the Moon Saturn and she found that she could enflame a crowd. Arete in enflaming a crowd.
Mars, ruler of the first house and the eighth house, in Taurus.
She could have been a doctor.
She could have been a whore, and some say she was.
Eighth house of medicine, eighth house of sex.
The eighth house is also the house of inheritance. Mars conjunct the Sun. The inheritance of her father, owed to her. In a square to the Moon that is the mother. The inheritance of her father owed to her mom, a mistress.
It’s where her fight may have begun.
A fight for independence. To use her talents and make her own money, in radio, theatre, cinema, and finally, in the series The biographies of illustrious women on Radio Belgrano, from Catherine the Great to Sarah Bernhardt.
She met Perón at a fundraiser for the victims of an earthquake. By then she was independent, self sufficient, and a personality in her own right, popular among the hoi polloi.
She attracted gossip.
There is Helen in Gemini
and Libra, the woman who launched a thousand ships.
The magic of Helen. They say she went to Egypt to study alchemy. She made men who came back from Troy a potion to ease their pain, a potion that allowed them to tell their stories without being overwhelmed by emotions.
With Perón, Eva’s fight made the welfare of the powerless the government’s responsibility.
It was Perón’s fight at a structural level. She took it to the grassroots level.
Chart for August 26, 1935, Buenos Aires

1935. The year her mother took her to Buenos Aires.
She insisted on going. A radio program was having a talent show.
Her mother said no.
She threatened to run away.
Her mother locked her up in her room.
Until the rector of the school intervened. Don’t thwart your child’s vocation, he said.
So her mother reluctantly agreed to take her.
Mars was transiting Libra, her daughter’s seventh house of contracts, and they say the director of the radio station offered Eva a small contract after the talent show.
Jupiter was transiting Scorpio in the eighth house, bringing her child a gift, a source of income.
There is a psychological component to Scorpio, the hidden side of the sign.
To master a public that could not see her, only hear her voice.
To initiate a public. Scorpio is an initiatory sign.
Her mother didn’t leave her to be prey in Buenos Aires, not with the natal Moon conjunct Saturn, Saturn and his restrictions.
Her mother left her under the guardianship of friends of friends, and her brother Juan was also there. They say he was a travelling salesman, but he was based in Buenos Aires, future private secretary of Perón.
She held her daughter’s chart and relied on the resources of others.
If Eva wished to live free as a bird, it would not be so.
When Mars conjoined Jupiter, she submitted to having a curfew and being under the watchful eyes of her guardians in order to stay.
There is Apollo in Scorpio, Apollo protector of Artemis.
The exact Mars Jupiter conjunction turned her birth chart, like a wheel of fortune, preparing her for synastry with her future husband.
The angles of the exact conjunction, the degree of the Ascendant, Nadir, Descendant and Midheaven, match the angles of Perón’s birth chart by an orb of one degree. He was a Capricorn rising, with Virgo on the Midheaven.
Chart for August 26, 1935, 1:01 pm, Buenos Aires

It prepared her for public scrutiny, piercing sign.
It prepared her to initiate the group that she belonged to biologically. There is the earth and the body in Taurus, gender, and in Scorpio that rules the mysteries of the mind, there is the psychology of a gender.
Chart for Evita, turned to give her a Capricorn rising

A marriage of influence.
“Ever heard of her?”
“She had a program on the radio.”
“Look, the ruler of her house of contracts is in Leo in the eighth house. She was a stage actress.”
“Dear, one of those.”
“You mean the president is married to a prostitute?”
“I don’t think the military would have allowed their rising star to marry a prostitute. Don’t they do background checks?”
“What if they eloped and didn’t give them a chance?”
They walked to her fifth house to confirm their accusation.
“Lord, no morality.”
“She must have been good.”
“She must have him by the balls.”
“I think she has balls.”
“She’s greedy. Her husband is nationalizing the basic sectors and she’s hogging it all up.”
“I heard her entire family’s working for Perón. La Casa Duarte.”
“Have you seen how she dresses?”
“So nouveau riche.”
She heard and began to dress more conservatively and coiled her hair into a bun. What could she do to put an end to all the gossip?
She went to the fourth house, place of our defense mechanism. Mercury was there in a trine to Saturn in Leo. Medicine. Medicine never offered before. Medicine that had to do with individual rights. Mercury and Saturn were in a sextile to Venus in Gemini. Argentinian women had been fighting for the right to vote for a long time. She would finalize the fight. She would turn it into their legal right. She would give the other half of the country the same political responsibility men had.
Chart for Geraldine Ferraro, born August 26, 1935, Newburgh, NY

Geraldine Ferraro’s chart is based on data from memory, born at 9 pm more or less. She was born minutes ‘ after the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio.
She was a child when her father died and her family had to move to low income housing.
The same thing happened to Evita’s family when her father died.
The sudden relocation that Pluto in the fourth house can bring.
Both her mom and Evita’s mom became the primary providers. She says that she kept her mother’s last name after marriage to honour the role she played in her life
Unlike Evita, she went to college. Her mother used income from a rental property in Italy to pay for her education. Maybe an inheritance from her grandparents.
House of inheritance, house of the remembered dead.
Italian American and Catholic, her clan.
Mars brings her into the eighth house, joined to the ninth by Jupiter.
House of other people’s resources, house of the teacher, preacher, mentor.
Mario Cuomo became her political mentor.
In the interview, they asked her to clarify something she had said.
She had said that if there were a time when her religious beliefs interfered with her professional duty, she would resign.
She explained by giving an example. If her church were to say to her that they would excommunicate her because she was not supporting their position on, say the issue of abortion, then she would leave her job.
She would not betray her clan, she would not betray her beliefs. They were her sustenance.
The seventh house and its ruler can say something about the marriage contract, and they say that in a woman’s chart, Jupiter can say something about the husband.
She would not betray her husband.
There was the matter of her husband’s contribution to her congressional campaign back in 1978.
She had a share in her husband’s company that was not reported in her tax returns. The press wanted to know why. The press wanted to see her husband’s tax returns.
Initially her husband said no, no to the initiation she was going through. But she brought him in. They owed it to the people cheering for her, an Italian American Catholic woman. The first woman on a major White House ticket.
In an emergency, she studied. She gathered all the information there was and put it in order, finding the mistakes, coming to conclusions, preparing what to say.
She surprised everyone by showing them more than they had asked. The willingness to be taken under,
and the press took her under. The press in the United States, with the power to make or break a reputation, dug into her husband’s affairs. He was the landlord of a mobster was one of the many things they said.
They dug into her family and found that her parents had been arrested on charges of running a numbers game back in 1944.
Jupiter in the sky was transiting Capricorn, her house of reputation.
She learned not to submit to the pressure that would see her quit.
Venus and Saturn were transiting Scorpio.
She worked on her psychology not to cave, and she focused on preparing herself for the vice presidential debate.
Chart for October 11, 1984, Philadelphia, PA

With her natal Pluto in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus, she looked for the root causes of her country’s problems. She said that the country needed to invest in education, civil rights, diplomacy before the use of force.
With transiting Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus in Sagittarius, she proved that she could hold her own in a debate with a man who had served in the house of representatives, been the ambassador of China, ambassador of the United Nations, director of the CIA, and vice president for four years. With self confidence and knowledge.
And courage. She had a long line of unremembered dead behind her.
The Sun Mercury were in Libra, a good day for a debate. They both used their claws in a civil manner.
Transiting Mars had joined Jupiter in Capricorn. They would form an exact conjunction on October 14.
Submitting to proof that an American woman’s psychology was not inferior.
She had been her dad’s princess when she was small, and life crumbled when he died. She wouldn’t let it happen again. With Pluto in Cancer in the house of her defence mechanism, she dug in the riches of her soul and stayed.
She would not be made the scapegoat for the mistakes of others, the sacrificial goat.
In Capricorn there is hierarchy, the authority of the father, maker of laws.
The authority of the man she debated, the authority of the press,
her own authority.
In Capricorn there are patterns of the past, history, evidence.
The polls showed that Reagan would win by a landslide.
She said that she didn’t believe in polls.
She submitted to the result of the elections.
Chart for December 11, 2006, Denmark

The story begins in 2005, when Jupiter was in Libra where every pencil mark can send ripples.
Within the context of a secular country where there is freedom of expression and where satire is allowed, a question was asked. How do you feel about Muhammed, leader of Islam, after all that has happened in the world in his name?
Pluto was in Sagittarius, digging in the riches of the sign, sign of the centaur who wishes to be free, free to run wild, but finds itself tied to civilization.
Pluto in Sagittarius plucking out preachers and teachers that no longer served us, preachers and teacher who were giving Muhammed a bad name,
to create something new in Pisces.
A place of refuge where we could all co exist in peace.
A war in the heavens.
Jupiter entered Scorpio.
A war in the heavens between clans.
Expansion followed by contraction.
In February 2006, the Iranian newspaper Hamshahri announced the International Holocaust Cartoon Competition.
Israel responded with the Israeli Anti-Semitic Cartoons Contest.

Then came Iran’s International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust held on December 11 and 12, 2006.
Chart for December 11, 2006, 7:45 pm, Tehran

Practice what you preach.
The president of Iran told his Western colleagues that he was going to submit to their belief in freedom of expression. He was going to master this foreign belief. Never mind science or religion or history. Never mind the moral crossroads.
The spirit of the times asked for
a war in the heavens
and the erasure of cultural differences.
A cartoon war.
A safe place to see each other’s point of view, where boundaries between the sacred and profane are allowed to dissolve. Humour that can hold up a mirror, humour that can shock. There is that element of shock in Pisces.
To be humbled by the knowledge acquired.
Well, he had participated in the cartoon war and learned a lot.
He was now going to prove how much he had learned. He was going to extend his hospitality to all those who had been censored for freedom of expression in their lands, to come express themselves freely in the land of Iran.
Never mind students protesting about giving the country a bad reputation. It was to prove a point, to correct biases and rescue a marginalized people.
There is reverence in Sagittarius,
and an irreverent side to the sign, pushing the limits,
purposeful sign,
touched by Pluto, spirit of the depths, and Venus before she holds the laws
Chart for March 20, 2020, Geneva

In Capricorn there is the story of a flood. Enlil who separated sky and earth couldn’t sleep. The number of people on earth had grown and they had become too noisy and he couldn’t sleep.
He would create a flood to turn them back into clay, and he warned the gods, senior and minor, not to tell anyone.
Back into clay, clay of the abzu.
Enki Ea of the abzu, Enki Ea of the seminal waters. Enki remembered how the gods had complained when they had to dig canals and till the soil, how they had complained when they had to toil to feed themselves, and how he had come up with a solution. The molds were still lying in his workshop, the broken molds as well, the result of his and Ninmah’s inebriation.
She had challenged him to find a place for the ones made from the broken molds, and he had found a place for everyone, and now the threat of a flood to undo it all. As if the gods had changed and were willing to toil for themselves. On the contrary, they had grown lazier and more dependent, and they would complain again, and he would have to start all over again. No way, he thought. No way.
No way would he speak his mind either. Let the flood come and go and their stomachs grumble. It was only with the weight of hunger that they would feel remorse.
Let the flood come. It was Enlil who controlled the sky, Enlil who made them promise not to tell anyone.
Of course he wouldn’t. He knew about promises. He knew about laws. He had written the laws, hadn’t he? Beginning with the primordial laws that brought order to the chaotic behaviour of people driven by their instincts.
He knew about bending the laws too, if bending the laws saved humanity.
Like Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland bent the laws of the World Health Organization when it issued an emergency travel advisory in 2003.
There is a chart for her that makes her a Capricorn rising, with her natal Mars in Capricorn in a square to Saturn in Aries.
Chart for Gro Harlem Brundtland, born April 20, 1939, 2 am, Baerum, Norway

There is discipline in this square, the discipline needed to bend a rule in a life or death situation, backed by evidence.
The Sun ties her eighth house of emergencies to her fourth house of defence mechanism, and both houses are tied to what she has come to offer.
The WHO was not authorised to issue travel advisories,
but when governments did not exercise their power to do so,
she bent the rules.
She must have felt morally obligated to do so.
Mars and his will to live and Saturn are not the only ones that can bring out this side of Capricorn. Uranus does too. Uranus and Neptune can do acrobatics with rules,
bend them, stretch them, go around them,
save them.
Enki went around the promise made and spoke to a wall of reeds, the wall of Utnapishtim’s house.
Hear me, sacred reeds that grew from the waters of the abzu, he said. Hear the words of Enki Ea, words never to be repeated. There is a flood coming. Tear these walls down to build a boat!
He told the wall how many cubits long and how many cubits wide the boat should be, how tall and who to populate it with, and not to forget the crows.
When the rains come, seal the boat, he said. When the rains stop and the waters grow calm, release a crow. If the crow returns, release a crow the following day. Only unseal the boat when the crow does not return, evidence that the waters have receded, evidence that the crow found land.
The gods had grown hungry by the time Utnapishtim thanked them for the land with a sacrifice. They say Enlil thanked him in return with immortality.
Toronto did not thank Gro Harlem Brundtland. Toronto flew into a rage and went personally to Geneva to give her a piece of its mind.
She says that she grew up in nationalistic times, a contraction we have gone back to these days.
In 2003, the spirit of the times was finishing his transit in Aquarius, dancing between the early degrees of Pisces and the last degrees of Aquarius, and Pluto was in Sagittarius.
It was a time when institutions of higher learning were opening satellites in foreign countries. A time of globalisation.
She moved with the times. First prime minister of Norway, then director general of the World Health Organization.
Jupiter’s transit through Leo in 2003 brought her an emergency that asked her to take command. She had heard rumors of a respiratory virus in China, and when China would not take her calls, she publicly criticised the country for not sharing information.
She was having a Mars return.
Chart for March 15, 2003, timed to match Gro Harlem Brundtland’s rising sign

Saturn was transiting Gemini in her sixth house where she confirmed the rumors and gathered information on the illness, an illness that was spreading through contact and travel.
They did not yet know the nature of the organism causing it, they needed to study it further, make it a target of study, but they knew the symptoms and had recommendations on how to contain the spread.
They prepared a travel advisory.
With Saturn in direct opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius, the World Health Organization may have been warned of the impact the travel advisory could have on the countries affected by SARS. The stigma it could bring.
So they re-worked the wording,
careful not to blame,
put the city first,
that should get everyone’s attention,
and the travel advisory got the go-ahead after Saturn broke away from the exact opposition.
There is Pan in Capricorn
and the cry of Pan in Pisces warning Venus and Eros of Typhon.
There were cancelled flights and cancelled events, and Toronto accused WHO of basing the travel advisory on incorrect evidence.
I was minding the gap in authority, she said. But it is true that the world could use a reliable data collecting centre, with direct links to the health authorities of every country. Something I intend to work on. In the meantime, I offer you this pattern, a pattern you can improve, a pattern for the future.
Her medicine.
Chart for December 31, 2019, Geneva

Once upon a time, an unknown organism changed its structure. We don’t know if it changed its structure in an institution or in nature, but it changed, mutated, and the mutation gave it mobility, and it went looking for hospitality.
The Spirit of the Times reprimanded the unknown organism. This is not the time to go looking for hospitality, he said. Chiron is minding the gap in survival.
That’s why I’m looking for hospitality, said the organism. To survive. And I will survive! I will break free from my cluster and swim in the lake of all generations!
But every time the unknown organism knocked on a door, Talos the automaton sent it away, and every time Talos sent it away, it grew weaker and weaker,
until it was hit by a bright idea.
It donned Pluto’s helmet of invisibility and slipped past Talos,
and it survived,
and broke free from its cluster,
and one day, it went out to explore the world.
Study me, it asked the world. Get to know me, weave me into your fabric.
Science paid attention and studied the organism, not to weave it into the fabric, but to better arm Talos to stop it from entering.
Chart for March 20, 2020, Geneva

Saturn asked Science for an update, and Science gave him data from every country. There was no denying that the organism was spreading. Heads of government had submitted to the evidence.
“Time to bring out Brundtland’s pattern,” said Saturn.
“Who’s Brundtland?” asked Science.
“The one who put Toronto first on the list.”
“This pattern isn’t good enough for us,” said the Chinese Talos. “Because of our limited resources and the nature of our magpies, total lockdown, bolt them in.”
“This pattern isn’t good enough for us either,” said the Peruvian Talos. “Because of our limited resources and the nature of our magpies, bring out the military.”
“This pattern isn’t good enough for us either,” said the Chilean Talos. “We have drones surveilling the streets.”
“Don’t leave the party yet. There’s a drone down the street.”
“This pattern’s good enough for now,” said the Canadian Talos. “We have everything on the table, lockdowns, bolts, the military, drones, tracking devices, but so far, Canadians have proven to be a responsible people, and when they’re not, neighbours tell on them.”

There is the story of climate change, the earth’s atmosphere thinning and the polar ice melting, and children striking for change,
and when Saturn ingressed Capricorn, there came the possibility of change, Saturn and Pluto changing the bones that hold us up, changing the laws, gradual change, a story in the making,
and an unknown organism jumped on the wagon. Factories would jump on it too, repurposing machinery to make ventilators for hospitals.
Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun can give great hospitality,
they can create the right conditions,
to build a big boat, big enough for everyone,
and save humanity from a flood.
When Saturn separated from Pluto, there came restrictions,
and we would see evidence that the earth can repair itself when left alone.
Evidence that can influence the laws a country makes.
Then came the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, 0 degrees 28 minutes, in December 2020. Jupiter freeing mastery in the space between Capricorn and Aquarius.
So many possibilities.
One of them is making new what is old,
like the mRNA vaccine,
and the James Webb Space Telescope.
A universal component to both.

Chart for December 25, 2021, the day the Telescope was launched, in Kourou, French Guiana

There are laws in Capricorn,
established laws that Pluto can dig up to be re-examined,
with knowledge gained over time.
Venus joins Libra to Pluto in Capricorn.
The collaboration of NASA, ESA and CSA,
government agencies responsible for space science, digging in the riches of a collaboration, pooling resources.
Venus joins Taurus and the Spirit of the Times to Pluto in Capricorn.
The laws of the body,
a new vaccine that taps into the laws of the body in a different way than previous vaccines.
The laws of the earth’s material,
a Telescope that uses material different from the Hubble Telescope.
The laws of the universe,
a Telescope that taps into the laws of the universe in a different way than Hubble.
There is Prometheus in Uranus, Prometheus who gave the fire of the gods to humanity,
He can do something out of the norm,
and Saturn can make it the norm.
They held us in a square until the new became the new normal.
Uranus, Spirit of the Times, and modern ruler of Aquarius,
where the gods reside,
place of the gods.
There is a timed chart for the launch that makes Aquarius the rising sign and Scorpio the midheaven.
Seeing space with infrared light.
Writing laws on how it all may have begun.
Jupiter at the bending of the nodes,
Jupiter who took Ganymede to be cupbearer, server of the gods.
Ganymede who turns to share the nectar of the gods with humanity,
the public domain.
Arete in the search for knowledge,
and images disseminating knowledge in the public domain.
Leo on the descendant, a contract in Leo,
joined to Capricorn by the Sun, carrier of the moral crossroads.
Enki and his laws, the mes that gave instructions on how to make beer, weave a basket, who one could and could not have sexual intercourse with, and how to worship the gods. The mes that brought order.
Not to follow the mes would bring disorder.
Morality in the mes.
A contract that depended on the telescope following the mes.
It was tested and retested over the years to follow the mes, because unlike Hubble, it could not be serviced.
Its mission is to orbit the sun and it cannot be serviced.
One life.
Of the highest standard.
Chart for January 21, 1998, Seoul, South Korea

The IMF or Asian Financial Crisis.
She gives her condensed everyday version of the crisis in part 1,
To submit to
not for personal profit, not for personal gain,
most socialised sign.
The IMF loans to bail South Korea out came with conditions. They asked for financial reform, the separation of government and the chaebols, a separate body to oversee them,
because the chaebols were not operating according to the laws of the market economy, which can allow a badly-managed chaebol to fall. There was no separation between ownership and management in the chaebols, nothing regulating personal and business,
and the government was using public funds to prevent them from falling, the providers of jobs.
The Moon sets the tone of the day, and the Moon was in Scorpio on this day, localised, matters pertaining to clan.
In the United States there were questions about Clinton’s use of the Oval Office.
A Moon in shock.
I say, who’s holding the laws of this country?
The Moon in Scorpio, natural ruler of the eighth house, house of crisis, the mysteries, other people’s resources.
South Korea owed a lot of money to the IMF.
Pluto was digging in Sagittarius where there are tools to weave into the fabric of society,
and the Spirit of the Times was in Aquarius where there is universality.
Tools that could be used universally, tools that complied with universal standards,
accounting practices that were universally accepted.
Pluto in Sagittarius can unweave, and to stay woven in the global economy, the country had to change and write new laws, and there would be sacrifice.
Saturn in Aries asked for leadership that offered long term solutions
and Kim Dae-jung was willing.
Clinton was willing too. He was writing new laws on education, a standardised test for teachers, smaller classrooms, after school programs.
Both would improve the internet in their countries. Clinton had every government agency write a page on the world wide web.
The Moon was in a trine to the Mars Jupiter conjunction, and there was reprimand, and there was empathy.
In South Korea people came up with an idea, a way to pool resources and help alleviate the country’s debt,
in tune with the culture,
updating a pattern in their history,
and in submission to not-for-personal-profit.
KBS 1TV announced a gold collection campaign on January 5, when Mars and Jupiter had 10 degrees of separation.
Of the 225 tons collected, 165 were collected in January.
Some say it was a nationalistic movement, a demonstration of patriotism. The Moon, ruler of Cancer, was in Scorpio.
Others ask, What about the Sun, carrier of the moral crossroads? Others in the don’t-bury-the-Sun denomination.
There was no praise for those who gave more than others, no biggest donors list.
The Sun was at 0 degrees 55 minutes of Aquarius during the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction, still in that place in between.
It was conjunct Uranus, the modern ruler,
and conjunct Neptune paving the way in Capricorn.
It shone the light equally on every individual, morality in shining the light equally,
and it brought out that side of Capricorn that finds a place for everyone,
everyone gave what they could.
There is civic duty in Aquarius, social responsibility.
Chart for April 6, 1973, Washington DC

Soeun in Seoul (how the IMF CRISIS impacted three generations of Korea) is of the Pluto in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aquarius generation.
She has a following in that parallel universe where we are separate but together.
where Jupiter took a boy of ideal beauty to Olympus to serve the gods,
to replace Hebe, goddess of youth and the prime of life,
displeasing Hera.
Hera would marry her to Hercules, after his trials, after she blamed him for her husband’s indiscretions and tried him with one labour after another,
until he gave in, took his pelt off and wore the pelt of another that burned him more than the fire of his own funeral pyre,
and then came relief, the ascension of a martyr, a hero.
The medicine in Aquarius, to ascend, to ride on horses that walk on water,
it’s how she has armored herself.
Chart for Hillary Clinton, born on October 26, 1947, Chicago, data from birth record

Aquarius, ruled by Saturn who swallowed his children, the children of his emotions,
and Uranus who carries the stories of Prometheus,
and the stories of Hephaestus, born of Hera, lame god, thrown out of Olympus for his imperfection, inventor god.
Back to Soeun who has a following.
She uploaded her video when the transiting nodes were in the Scorpio Taurus polarity, Rahu in Taurus, and Mercury at 0 degrees 11 minutes of Gemini, in that place between Taurus and Gemini.
She opens the door to a television series that has to do with her clan, her roots.
He too has a following, but he’s added an element to his channel.
A sponsorship.
Not a return for every click, but a partnership that is clearly stated.
He uploaded his video when the transiting nodes were in the Sagittarius Gemini polarity, Rahu in Gemini, and Mercury in Libra, with Venus.
He acts as the intermediary between the professor and the viewer, bringing knowledge about scorpions, the professor’s theories about why they glow, and elucidates with visual aids.
He acts as the intermediary between the sponsor and the viewer, promoting the sponsor’s product and how it works with a visual demonstration.
In the Netherlands in 1973 there were
intermediaries between culture and listeners in state owned radio,
and intermediaries between popular culture that was not necessarily heritage, popular culture from other lands and listeners in pirate radio.

In the beginning, businesses that sold transmitter units sponsored pirate radio, then came advertisers who bought airtime.
In the beginning, the state went after pirate radio, so pirate radio was always on the move, driven offshore.
Radio Veronica broadcasted from a ship,
the intermediaries, transmitter and antennas, anchored off the Dutch coastline.
Mercury in Pisces can erase space and time.
Mercury that is Hermes, that is Thoth. In Pisces he can speak the language of waves, sounds that turn into waves and waves that turn into sounds.
He draws culture and pop culture and the jingles of ads,
a potpourri of sounds in Pisces.
It began with Guglielmo Marconi who, like Van Gogh, has Mercury in Aries.
He harnessed the power of electromagnetic waves and created a language, the Morse code. Radio took off from there.
There are parallel universes in Aquarius, the parallel universe of the gods,
and it is Mercury and the twins in Gemini who can travel from the parallel universe of the gods, to earth and to the underworld.
The parallel universe of radio, existing on a different plane. Gemini can connect it to earth, build a ladder,

and Libra builds relationship.
Illustration by Matt Dawson

There are resources in Taurus, electromagnetic waves in the air. Marconi and others who harnessed the waves were of the Pluto in Taurus generation, Pluto and Uranus in Taurus as well.
Marconi did not patent his language, the structure of his language became accessible to all. Gemini opened the doors and it would become standardised and universal.
In 1973, Venus was in Aries with the Sun, and she said, Radio may be accessible to all, but not the song I wrote, the music I created. Pirate radio has turned it into a commercial jingle to sell a product. Should I not get a return? Gemini, close the doors!
But Gemini couldn’t hear her. Mercury the ruler was on a pirate ship offshore.
The work was in Cancer where there are vulnerable people,

vulnerable to being copied and infringed upon.
They stood under the lintel, in that place in between, and reprimanded Pluto for not adding Venus into the equation of sponsorship and commercials.
Alerted, Capricorn sent his ruler to Gemini to check upon such matters, to get a hold of Mercury and see if new arrangements could be made.
When Radio Veronica saw Saturn coming, she went further out to sea. Her listeners cheered, they loved her.
She stood for an era freer than the one they lived in, cleaner, an ideal time that brought them entertainment and music from foreign lands, that gave them their first taste of the foreign. A ship that broke the rules and defied the state and state monopoly on radio waves.
Mind you, they knew she wasn’t so innocent herself. She had once burnt a rival ship to be the only one, and went to jail for it. Susceptible to monopoly herself, but she’d come around, learned to share the seas with others. She played with patterns to distinguish herself and remain popular, and when others interfered with her frequency, she changed her frequency to survive. Minding the gap in survival.
Stop chasing her and weave her in, said Neptune to Saturn. Tell the state to make room for her.
I’m recommending anti piracy legislation, said Saturn. If she wants to continue operating, she will have to come on land and get broadcasting certification.
Listen to him, said the Sun to Venus. It’s time to pass the oar for the journey to continue. Morality in passing the oar.
No, said her listeners. No. We will organise a protest. Freedom! Freedom!
The protest was scheduled for April 18.
Meanwhile Jupiter was transiting Aquarius, the sign where state owned radio and independent radio have the potential to co-exist if they submit to not-for-personal gain.
What gift should I bring them, he asked Neptune.
The traditional and modern rulers of Pisces put thunderbolt and trident together, and on April 2, when Jupiter and Mars were 3 degrees apart, there was a storm.
Mayday! Mayday! Radio Veronica broadcasted.
Her crew was rescued before the anchor broke,
and the waves brought the ship to the land, and the waves left an oar in the sand.
There is an oath
in Gemini
in Libra.
Gemini, natural ruler of the third house that lies below the horizon.
Set the date for a protest and put the word out.
Libra, natural ruler of the seventh house that lies on the descendant, first social house.
Agamemnon set the date for departure, but there was no wind.
Time was ticking.
What would they think of him, the brother of Menelaus, not first to arrive.
He sent a trusted one to ask the Oracle what must be done for wind to fill the sails of their ships.
A sacrifice.
Mars He should have pushed away with muscle and oar instead of that.
It’s to show how Libra can hold you to a promise,
like he was held to a promise when he wrote a 250 page manuscript subtitled
the tragedy of Darth Vader.
Chart for George Lucas, born May 14, 1944, Modesto, CA, data from birth record

Neptune paving the way in Libra, and Libra in his house of work and colleagues.
He says that nobody wanted his American Graffiti script until his colleague and friend Francis Ford Coppola wrote his name on it. Coppola who’d just finished The Godfather gave the script credibility,
and Lucas.
What else do you have, they asked him.
Well, said Lucas, I have a space opera, in three parts.
He opened his manuscript in the middle and began to write the first screenplay.
He brought Vader to life, torn from his past, so nobody knew whether he was a monster, a robot, or a man inside.
He says that he wanted the public to experience what he had experienced when he went to see Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. He was plunged into a world that he knew nothing about and had no idea what was going on, but he was entertained and he figured it out.
He wanted to create a world like that, where everything that was there appeared to have been there for a very long time, unbeknownst to the audience,
and the audience was suddenly plunged into it and had to figure it out. An initiatory experience.
Like getting married.
He says that at the height of filming Star Wars, he and his wife adopted a child. They divorced but the child stayed with him, and he went on to adopt two more children as a single dad.
They say the first child is in the fifth house, Virgo, the second child is fifth from the fifth, Capricorn, the third in Taurus, the fourth in Virgo.
Virgo in the fifth house of parenting and children.
Chiron in Virgo minding the gap in marginality, and the ruler in Taurus, with Venus.
He says that when he held his first child, he felt a thunderbolt go through him. He would nurture this child even if he had to do it alone. He’d be a new age dad. He would ensure the survival of this child and give it roots.
Darth Vader What about me?
Lucas You’re a character in the movies, Vader. You exist in a parallel universe.
Darth Vader That’s not true! I have proof!

Lucas You’ve been my inspiration.
Darth Vader Your muse? So now you’re relegating me to your twelfth house.
Lucas Because of you, I’ve pioneered new technologies that make your world feel real.
Darth Vader A real Hephaestus, are you?
Lucas Digital technology makes it so much more convenient to edit-
Darth Vader Gulp!
Lucas So much easier to preserve.
Darth Vader Phew!
Lucas Dig deep enough and you will see that I have pioneered new laws of preservation through my work, accessible to all.
Leo, natural ruler of the fifth house of parenting and children, romance and creativity, our creations.
He would be of influence in the lives of children, the child in us.
He says that he studied world mythologies and world religions and found the theme common in all. The battle between good and evil. Which path would we take?
The moral crossroads.
In Taurus it is about the preservation of life. It’s why he left car racing. His friends asked him to stop. Think of your children, they said.
Darth Vader I’m one of them, Lucas. You are my father and it’s your responsibility to give me back my past. Complete my tragedy.
The flapping of wings made Lucas turn around. He’d left the window open and a bird had flown in. A magpie. She stood on his desk and with her beak opened his manuscript to page 1.
Voices, he began to hear voices in 1993, reminding him of his promise to make the prequels.
Jupiter was transiting Libra.
Chart for September 5, 1993, timed to match George Lucas’ rising sign

He said that he did some real soul searching before making the commitment, because it was a time consuming commitment that left room for nothing else.
At the same time, his kids were getting older and he was ready to go back to directing movies, which is what he loved to do.
He was also hoping that they would make him financially independent. He’s always used the earnings from one movie to make the next one, and he hoped that these would give him the freedom to do whatever he wanted next.
But first he had to submit in Libra.
There is judgement in Libra, the opinion of others.
He first had to submit his work made with the new technologies to the opinion of others.
He once compared Star Wars to tar baby. Maybe keeping his promise and putting the story in order would free him from tar baby.
Mercury and the Sun were in Virgo on September 5, 1993. On September 6, the day of the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction, they would form a grand trine with Taurus and Capricorn.
There is responsibility in Taurus,
and this was a time of innovation in the film industry, IMAX and CGI, new laws entering a craft.
There is apprenticeship and craft in Virgo,
morality in teaching a craft and using a craft.
The prequels freed him.
Chart for May 1, 2011

The end of a quest-
Gemini Good. This was beginning to bore me.
Sagittarius Me too. Let’s move on to the Sun, morality and the Sun. Start with me.
Virgo But there’s only four left to go.
Pisces Why don’t you switch the channel in the meantime.
Gemini click Wedding click wedding click wedding.
Sagittarius click Osama click Osama click Osama.

Cancer Quit submitting us to your choices, Aries.
Aries They’re not my choices. I’m being made to submit to the choices others are making. If it were up to me, the quest would go on.
Cancer Doesn’t Jupiter expand what he touches? He’s conjunct your ruler.
Mars Jupiter Arete. You’re witnessing Arete, Cancer, and the willingness to sacrifice.
Libra Plus the quality they seem to bring when they’re together, submission.
Sagittarius Libra! You’re behind this!
Saturn I’m behind this. I’m controlling the choices you can make. I’ve been busy orchestrating, arranging and calibrating.
Venus I wouldn’t tamper with weights and measurements when he’s there. Every ripple counts.
Leo What about Uranus? The spirit of the times can help us break free.
Uranus Not if new journeys are to begin. (to Operation Neptune Spear) Hurry up before the orb of my opposition to Saturn tightens. One degree less and you may have renegades.
Gemini (spotting Mercury) Merc! What are you doing there?
Mercury Lending my strengths, your strengths too, and Virgo’s.
Gemini No leaky roofs-
Virgo and my ability to weed.
Operation Neptune Spear It’s what allowed us to succeed.
Gemini Weeding?
Operation Neptune Spear Everyone lending their strengths. Putting personal choices aside. Working as a team.
Wedding planner I would add divine intervention to that.
Leo What are your names?
Neptune (stepping into Pisces) They will remain anonymous.
Saturn Held by a promise, written and signed.
Taurus You know, those two had to get married to preserve the lineage. As for Osama, well, his body had to go. Couldn’t have his followers building him a shrine.
Chart for June 16, 1975

For a brief moment, she may have considered breaking free of her contract, to find herself again, do things she had not done before.
But she submitted to the choice of others,
her party and her supporters, their loyalty.
She stayed and her defence was that none of the parties were morally superior to hers. If her government was deemed not to be clean, her experience was that other governments had been worse.
Her practices were the practices of others.
In response, the coalition that would see her toppled stirred the pot and caused unrest when Mars began separating from Jupiter.
When he was 5 degrees apart, in a tight opposition to Uranus, she decided to distinguish herself and do something nobody had done before.
Make the trains run on time.
(Chart for June 26, 1975, 12 am, Delhi, India)
Mars Jupiter have conjoined in Aries four times since 1900.
January 6, 1940
June 16, 1975
May 1, 2011
May 29, 2022
Chart for May 29, 2022

Denmark (uprooting the Canadian flag and planting the Danish flag) We submit for a nanosecond.
Canada (uprooting the Danish flag and planting the Canadian flag) Same here. Less than a minute of separation and we unsubmit. Hans is ours!
Denmark Hans is ours!
Canada Canadians! On with the quest!
Denmark Danes! On with the quest!
Canada It’s all about the integrity of our territory, the wholeness and the fullness of our people and our land.
Denmark Quite the mouthful. (takes a bottle from his knapsack) Here, have some of our homegrown spirits.
Canada Thanks. (takes a bottle from his knapsack). Here, try some of ours.
Two drunken countries lying on a barren island
Canada How long have we been doing this?
Denmark Ages.
Canada We should try something new. Set another example for border disputes.
Denmark Will you give it up?
Canada (smashes the Danish bottle) Hell no. Hans is ours! (pause) Will you?
Denmark (smashes the Canadian bottle) Hell no. Hans is ours!
Canada Anyway, it should be a win-win situation.
Denmark Says who?
Canada Saturn.
Hans Island (credit: USGS/NASA via TV2)

Morality in the example we give.
In Sagittarius there’s a pilgrim road, the search for guidance, guides. Ruled by Jupiter, a social planet, god of wisdom.
Morality in the guidance we give.
Chart for March 10, 2015 the day Canada’s cyberbullying legislation came into effect