Yin Yang XIX

There are interactions in Gemini, and with the ruler in Aquarius, they can be in a parallel universe.


being woven into consciousness.

There are interactions in Libra too, but Libra strives to form relationships. It can hold another in light or in shadow, with a ring, a promise, blackmail.

Jupiter was transiting Leo, and there are children in Leo. He was bringing a gift, and his gifts don’t come easy.

There were children hurt.

Punishment, the Moon in Scorpio asked for punishment for those who would harm children, for those who would cause them psychological harm and worse.

Pluto was digging in Capricorn with the ruler in Sagittarius when the Act came into effect,

and Act about cyberspace,

conquering cyberspace.

In Pisces boundaries can dissolve, things can get out of hand, and Saturn in Sagittarius asked for conquest and study

to prevent harmful behaviours from going unpunished.


Pluto in Capricorn

and Uranus in Aries conjunct Mars, the ruler.

There was nothing more pressing than this.

An act that took Aries into consideration, first sign of the zodiac, unselfconscious. There is an innocence that comes with it. 

It is the sign where we have a choice to step forward or step back, where we find the independence to make the choice. The sign where we can take the lead or allow another to take the lead.

There is a side of Aries susceptible to falling for the charm of another, relying on the resources of another, becoming indebted to them.

A side that will give it all for love.


An act that took this side of Aries into consideration, and there is Aries in every chart holder’s chart. We live and learn in Aries. Firsthand experience.

Venus joins Libra to Aries, the light and shadows of the sign,

and the possibility of right relationship, manners and etiquette.

Parents didn’t see it until they did that the Act wasn’t going to be enough of a barrier to prevent all that can happen in cyberspace.

They would need to be vigilant,

and there would have to be institutional change, beginning with schools.

Jupiter in Leo, natural ruler of the fifth house of children and parenting, and friendship, and the Sun in Pisces.

Morality in how we mold raw material

in an age of cyberspace.

Mercury joins Gemini and Virgo with Aquarius where there is the social eye.

The way to communicate in such an environment,

and rules of what is public and private.

Mercury is in a sextile to Venus, ruler of Taurus, where there is the story of Daedalus and Icarus. Questions of how soon to introduce a child to cyberspace.

Above all to protect innocence.


What do Osama bin Laden and Kim Campbell have in common?

Solar Pisces, both.

They undermined foundations.

The foundation of the twin towers.

The foundation of the progressive conservative party.

Others may have worked through them, but they were the leaders.

Kim Campbell took the blame.

She is of the Pluto in Leo and Uranus in Gemini generation.



Chart for Kim Campbell, March 10, 1947, British Columbia, data from memory or autobiography

Mulroney who came before her was also a Solar Pisces. He was criticized for policies that had no depth, so he took the time to define where he stood.

She didn’t take the time or had the time to define where she stood when she ran for prime minister.


A new politics that relied on an old platform.

She’d had a sudden rise in life, a big step up the ladder that changed her life, swept off her feet by forces bigger than her, and she became the medium for others to stay in power, colleagues and the group that she belonged to, fighting to survive.

A victim of the immorality in Pisces.


She said that she would apologize for anything that upset the people of Canada. Immoral herself, she did not take her own counsel,

until the day she did, after she recycled the old platform and the party itself.

From the raw material came the Club de Madrid, a club for recovering politicians and politicians out of office from around the world, a club that offers tools to improve democracy, tools to help face the challenges of a shared society in a democracy, tools to maintain democracy in the face of a pandemic, in the face of AI.

Canada, the land of her tribe, is the foundation on which she stands in self-exile. There is atonement in her chart. To be considered worthy of having once been prime minister of Canada, she labours by being of service to society, and by offering Canada as her prime example of a democracy.   


Bin Laden was of the Pluto and Uranus in Leo generation. He transformed an old pelt, death and transformation of an old pelt. The prophet, the terrorist.


Chart for March 10, 1957, the day Osama bin Laden was born

He came to believe that his god worked through him. He was doing the work of god. Every plan he devised and that others carried out was like building a temple to his god. An idea would come to him, and he’d gather all the raw material needed

and build a temple.

Morality in how we use raw material,

mold it.

If he was a Leo rising,

the inheritance he got from his father became his personal resource. Father, father in the sky.

He built temples of destruction

and his own lake.

They say that Neptune in the fourth house can make the holder of the chart feel like they were born in the wrong place. They may come across the right place in their lifetime, travel to it, but not necessarily move there. Neptune with Rahu in the fourth house may change that because he left,

changed his psychology,

became a missionary,

spreading the word of his god,

recruiting into his lake.

Aries is in his ninth house of higher learning, long distance travel, what is foreign to us. And the ruler is in Taurus where there is the body, the land, the containers of our resources, and those who guard the entrance.

They say that he traveled to Afghanistan in December 1979 to fight against the Russian invasion.

It must have been an initiatory experience.

He must have found in that rough terrain the place he’d been looking for.


Chart for December 18, 1979, Kabul, timed to make Leo the rising sign

He must have found camaraderie that made him feel at home. Leadership among equals.


They spoke of the concept of beauty that was becoming established, religious, cultural.


It is the purest form of the religion they all shared, they said. We should export it and make it global, give it a global foundation.

He willingly submitted to the concept of beauty and would invest his resources to export it, even if his mother did not agree.

It gave his life new meaning. It gave it purpose and direction.


He would hold the mes and become guide to others.


Mars, ruler of his ninth house, is in Taurus, house of reputation. Arete in breaking through security to undermine a foundation.

He protected his own life,

and sent his followers to paint his pictures and die for him and his god.

Mind the gap in Aquarius, he said, your entry to heaven. Purify yourselves by killing infidels.

There is purification in Virgo, Demeter burning off Demophon’s mortality


by Willy Pogany

and there is a temple.

First there was a fire, and stories told of the moral crossroads.


Then a temple was built, the foundation of society.

To find him and stop him, came a stellium in Aries.


Chart for June 3, 1933, Berlin

The culmination of the work of generations, eugenics.

The foundation of a government.

Submitting to a cultural concept of beauty.




A culmination that carried with it its own undoing, with the two rulers of Pisces in Virgo.

They were following the example of others, the government said. They would clean the German race of its impurities to reach the ideal,

make arrangements to bring the boy of ideal beauty down to earth.

All they saw was the boy of ideal beauty, the chosen one,

and not the boy worthy of serving the gods, and the boy who shared the nectar of the gods with humanity.

Others did.

There is rescue in Gemini, the Dioscuri involved in every battle, every quest, every rescue mission. Multiple examples of rescue that open doors to more examples. People who took risks and made arrangements to rescue.

An underground movement,

there is an underground in Virgo,

undermining a foundation.

Virgo of the underground, Virgo of the margins, lighting the way in the margins.

Holding a pot of beauty, other forms of beauty, multiple examples of beauty.

Digging in Cancer to begin the quest for the aryan race.

Digging in Cancer to begin the quest for universal rights.


Chart for October 17, 2015, Ottawa

The foundation of a government.

A government that purposefully undermined submission to any concept of beauty.

Government   We won’t be slotted.

Mercury   No judgement.

Saturn (to Mercury)   It’s okay, Merc. I got you.   (to Neptune) Let go of me. I’m trying to weave this into the fabric of society.

Neptune   The point is not to make a point of it. Act like it’s already been woven.

Moon   It was actually woven back in 1988, when the Canadian Multiculturalism Act got Royal Assent.

Uranus   The time Saturn and I danced together in Sagittarius. We were breaking boundaries and opening new territory.

Mars   You mean the time you chased Saturn in Sagittarius.

Saturn   It’s true. I ask for mastery, but along with it come delays and restrictions. It gives people a chance to think twice about what they’re doing.

Mercury   Sagittarius can get stuck on a conquest.

Neptune   That’s why I’m loosening Saturn’s grip. It’s time to recycle.

Venus   Could we get a visual of 1988?


Chart for July 21, 1988, Ottawa

Venus   I thought Jupiter would be in Virgo.

Virgo   The work was in Virgo. Jupiter had dragged his mountaintop to Taurus.

Jupiter   Shh! I’m meditating.   (pause) Race meditation. It all began with physical differences, physiognomy. But the truth is, they can all grow food, find shelter and mate with each other. It puts race into question.

Virgo   Racial stereotypes, a cultural phenomenon-

Pisces   To be recycled.

Mars   Look. People were fighting for survival.

The Sun   They were fighting for inclusion. Morality in what we let in and leave out.   (pause) Could we fast forward to 2015?

Sun   This time it’s about women.

Aries   For new journeys to begin-

Libra   we must tie loose ends or cut them.

Moon   The country’s had a woman prime minister. It’s conquered territory.

Gemini   Not really. She wasn’t elected.

Mercury   So what are we doing here?

Moon   We’re giving them a chance to conquer it again.

Pluto   We’re changing the structure that holds society-

Saturn   by changing behaviour toward women in politics.

Moon   Getting used to seeing them up there.

Sagittarius   Weaving their presence into society.

Mercury   So how are we going about it?

Uranus   With an original arrangement.

Sun   Half half, almost.   

Neptune   It leaves room for more possibilities.

Morality in Libra, in a sign that begins with an uninvited guest crashing a party, followed by a beauty pageant where one of the contestants bribes the judge by offering a woman who’s already taken. The judge accepts the bribe. He then abducts the woman who’s already taken, or she goes with him willingly, and an oath is triggered, a promise that holds the promisors to the point of sacrificing flesh and blood to get wind in their sails. A thousand ships are launched to rescue the woman, and there is war, a war where the gods take sides, where they get involved indirectly.


Iris, at the behest of Jupiter, warns Athena and Hera not to assist the Greeks in the war with the Trojans. Attributed to Jacques Réattu, 18th century

They reached an impasse in the war, and the Greeks came up with the Trojan Horse that broke through the walls of Troy, and the war ended with one destroying the other. No-

Virgo   No compromise.

No. No diplomacy, no peace treaty. Total destruction. In essence an immoral sign.

Gemini   What’s better, amoral or immoral?

They both serve a function. Immorality that helps us break a promise, break away from a harmful partnership, hurtful, unfair, unfulfilling.

Morality in a truce. Morality in using an intermediary, being the intermediary,

like Jimmy Carter, with his Libra rising and Libra Sun.

He offered Libra medicine.


The wars being fought today,


Chart for the day Putin was born

two of the men involved,


Chart for the day Netanyahu was born

have the Sun in Libra.


Chart for Amelia Earhart, born July 24, 1897, Atchison, KS, data from birth record

Briefly, Mars Jupiter in Virgo, not as a transit, but in the birth chart.

She learned not to submit to the concept of beauty of her time and broke a stereotype.

Before she began making a name for herself breaking records, the first woman to fly solo across North America, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic,

she had an interview.


They left in June and returned on July 6, 1928.

It turned her into a celebrity, even though she’d just been a passenger, in her words, baggage, like a sack of potatoes. Maybe someday she would try it alone.


Chart for July 4, 1928, timed to match Earhart’s rising sign

Her personal resources, hidden on this occasion.

She submitted to the celebration, the reward of having been a passenger, invitations to lecture, invitations to promote products, she wrote a book. She submitted to the power of her clan, local power that told her she’d made it. Dinner at the White House.

Transiting Mars Jupiter in Taurus trined her natal Mars Jupiter in Virgo.

There is biology in Taurus, the womb of a woman, preservation of the sex that carries the womb, and in Virgo is a concept of beauty


that isn’t static, mutable sign.

She had experienced this trine before, with a wider orb, before her visit to Toronto, when she was a student choosing her field of study. Mars Jupiter conjoined on June 7, 1917, at 25 degrees Taurus.

It was preceded by mutinies in the French army, soldiers stationed on the Western Front, refusing orders to attack, suicidal attacks, already a million dead.

The day after the exact conjunction, they submitted to punishment, to the power of the military authorities, to arrests and trials, hard labour and death sentences.

Pluto was transiting Cancer in 1917 and would be in Cancer the rest of her life,

and she would participate in the transformation of the village that raised her,

the mother.

After the ticker-tape parade and dinner, she got up and thanked them for including her. She would now have the resources to buy a new plane and to practice. They had shown her what it took to be a long distance pilot.

Libra doesn’t work alone, Libra in the sixth house,

but she would work alone in the beginning, with her natal Venus in Gemini where there is no authority, where in the absence of authority Paris took Helen or they both fled to Troy. That unintended consequence.

To think for herself, learn from her mistakes, break free from any thought control and become her own authority, something her mother taught her or she taught her mom.

She would work alone and not risk anyone’s life, not until she had proven herself, not until she had earned the pelt handed to her and crossed the Atlantic.

A life of virtue and labour over an unmerited life.

She left an archetype for women,

and offered a water passage, not to set roots, Venus in Gemini is unrooted, but for the passage itself, the challenge of making it through. 


She offered her sense of humour.



Chart for April 26, 1953

The Trojan War gathered together the most able, greatest warriors, and we heard of all the bickering and skirmishes that went on in the camp because

he thinks he’s higher rank

he took something of mine, but we can’t kick him out because the Oracle said we cannot not win without him

he’s favoured by Athena.

Yet they managed to put aside their differences, sit together inside a wooden horse, stay put in spite of Helen’s temptation, her imitation of their wives voices bidding them to come out,

and they had a breakthrough.

Digging in Leo, in a pelt, a specific field, to create something new that took Cancer into consideration.

There is a lake of memories in Cancer, the stories of a family, a village, the stories that unite a people, the stories that unite the world.

Abode of Hera, queen of heaven, queen of the breast, Hera and her priestesses, witches they were called, the witches that delayed Hercules’ birth until Eurystheus was born.

Illegitimate child born to be her glory, born to tackle every monster she conjured, born to submit to every one of her trials, loyal to his cause.

Most admirable, loyalty and the sacrifice it entails. The sacrifice of Karkinos, loyal to the goddess, Karkinos of the Lake of Lerna, entrance to the underworld, place of sleep in Cancer, place of dreams and nightmares, and memories that rise in us. Place of Oracles from the goddess, lay your head to sleep on her temple floor to receive her oracles, to see them with the mind’s eye.

Cancer ruled by the Moon, mother in the sky.

There is a mother in Cancer, a mother that came from a mother that came from a mother all the way to the beginning of time. A mother in common.


There is biology in Taurus, the power of our biology, to submit to a power that is localized and that we all have in common.


Crick and Watson solved a mystery, but they did not do it alone. Built on the work of others, they had a breakthrough.

There is a chart for Martin Luther King drawn from memory or autobiographical data, unsourced, that makes him a Taurus rising

Mars Jupiter conjoined in Taurus the year

the Civil Rights Act of the United States became law,

and the year he was awarded the Nobel Prize.



Chart for May 19, 1964

There are structures in Capricorn that can become universal, and in Pisces, they can get out of hand. Planets in Pisces can navigate through the chaos, paddle in the sea. Saturn in Pisces can try to bring order with firewalls and double passwords and fact checking.

If Pluto and Uranus in Virgo are going to shake a foundation, dig in to see what is no longer needed to create something new, Saturn can hold anchor to prevent the whole foundation from being torn apart. He can maintain the focus and give the process of digging and creating something new a social function, social planet that he is, like Jupiter.

Pisces Virgo, the polarity that came to Martin Luther King’s aid.

Martin Luther King, the man who came to free the Minotaur.

Jupiter frees. Saturn contains.

He came to free what so many people in his country feared,

taking responsibility.

There is the story of King Minos in Taurus, layered sign, a story that begins with a power struggle among brothers over who would be the one to rule. Minos prayed to the gods to help him secure the throne, and from the sea came a magnificent snow white bull that helped him secure it. A sign that he had been chosen by the gods, chosen by Neptune to rule.

He should have sacrificed the bull back to the god of the sea. He meddled with the Olympians and should have abided by their rules, but the bull had become his prized possession, and so he sacrificed a lesser bull instead. For this he was punished, a punishment that brought great responsibility to the sign.

Holder of the Minotaur is the one who holds the responsibility.

The Minotaur, child of Pasiphaë and the bull, primal, a product of primal forces, untamed, the attachment to a piece of land, a bull, the heat of the body, the arrows of Eros directed by Venus, one to love and one to reject. Apollo’s turned into the laurel tree, medicinal. Pan’s turned into reeds, Pan’s flute, expressive. In Taurus, the heat consumed Pasiphaë, centred on her body, the heat that brought invention to the sign, a contraption that allowed her to consummate the heat, power, the power of one over another that is primal, power relations that are primal, master and bull, master and slave, secrets kept in a labyrinth.

He held the Minotaur. He held the responsibility of his clan,

and with his natal Venus in Pisces in the eleventh house, he came to free the Minotaur for his social group to hold. In Pisces it is the present and the past, those who came before, the unremembered dead of long ago, black and white, who enslaved and were enslaved and sold and shipped to a faraway land.

The land that was his, local.

Saturn in Pisces can consolidate all that came before, and Pluto Uranus in Virgo asked for changes in the foundation.

The by-product of the transits that allowed him to do the work he came to do gave rise to-

What do they call them?


The concept of beauty was changing.

There was the black man sitting beside the white man on a bus in America,

and there were the mods and rockers in Britain.

Mercury in Taurus   Clans with their own mode of dress and transportation, and their own taste in music.

Venus in Cancer   Will they cause trouble? It’s a holiday weekend and there are families at the seaside.


Capricorn   Don’t you worry, love. Saturn’s exactly where we need him.


Saturn in Pisces   There are endless ways of taking care of this situation, but here are the two extremes. One. We can make people accept these new concepts of beauty by making it unlawful not to accept them and throwing people who don’t in jail. Two. We can suppress the new concepts of beauty by making them unlawful to practice and throwing everyone who does in jail.

Sun   Which one would preserve life the most?

Virgo   The first one. There’s no stopping the spirit of the depths and the spirit of the times.

Díkē   Only punish the troublemakers, the ones who would give the new concepts of beauty a bad name, gangs instead of subcultures. And reward the one who is freeing the Minotaur by peaceful means.  

Libra   Civil disobedience. He learnt it from Gandhi.  

Gemini   Make him an example.


The Minotaur.

Once upon a time Burrhus Frederic Skinner argued that there was no taming the Minotaur in us, the Minotaur and his voracious appetite.

Mind over body was the way to keep the Minotaur in check.

And teaching people how to behave, right behaviour.

His method has become the foundation to teach children with autism social behaviour. Many on the spectrum are not born with the tools to absorb language and become socialized.

Like Martin Luther King Jr., his Gemini Sagittarius polarity was activated.

Martin Luther King’s by Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Sagittarius.

BF Sinner’s by Pluto in Gemini and Uranus in Sagittarius.

Modeling in Gemini how to behave on a bus, Sit right here beside this black fellow, this white fellow,

followed by praise, Good job.

Like Skinner, and JFK with his natal Mars Mercury Jupiter in Taurus, there is something MLK understood about the Minotaur. He came face to face with his own and wanted laws in place to teach right behaviour, keep the Minotaur in check.

The Civil Rights Act became law on July 2, 1964

The transits made music with his birth chart. Jupiter returning and Mars returning, modeling behaviour that brought inclusion. A new chapter in a lake, his lake.


Chart for April 6, 2000


Entering new territory with Aquarius in mind, natural ruler of the eleventh house, the groups that we belong to that in this sign can be ideologically bound.

There are resources in Taurus, and there is invention, and in Pisces there is raw material. A company that was breaking ground making satellites.

Who were they passing the oar to?

Trines and sextiles can reprimand a local company that may not have been aware they were giving sensitive information to the wrong group.

They were minding the gap, said Chiron.

Mercury sounded the alarm

when the lunar nodes were entering the Capricorn Cancer polarity.

Saturn, ruler of Aquarius where sharing is caring. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, brought a figure of authority to ensure security.

About time, said the Moon.





natural ruler of the nadir, the most private part of ourselves, between us and ourselves, childhood memories, when we first explored our body, who we thought of, and growing up, why we were the way we were, felt the way we did toward a friend, why we behaved the way we did, things lived inside the head that nobody but we know.

Mars is transiting Cancer today enflaming the sign, a good time for reconnaissance missions of our internal life. It may happen without effort, memories stirred, and knowledge may come from it, knowledge that we may offer the people that the house Cancer is in draws into our life.


Chart of an anonymous person

If the person is a Solar Aries and Aries Rising,

what would it feel like to have Cancer in the fourth house with Jupiter Uranus compelling him to do the work of the sign?


he may have put it to good use in the work that he does, with the ruler in Virgo in the sixth house.


Pluto digs in Leo in the fifth house, Leo that holds a mirror, house of image and personality,

to create something new in Cancer, the innermost part of oneself,

with the ruler in Virgo where there is a pot of beauty,

difficult to get, like Psyche found it difficult to get, the Labour that took her to the underworld, one of the Labours to win back the love of Eros.

He opened his eyes, no time to waste, sole breadwinner in the family, and his wife with MS needing his help. There was housework to do and the kids to get ready for school.

Compelled to do the work of Cancer.

Something changed around the time of his Uranus opposition Uranus,

a new intimacy had grown between him and his wife that freed him to speak about his soul, the unsettled seat of his soul, searching for Eros, and a reflection that asked for a different one.

There is a branch of astrology that made Cancer the first sign of the zodiac, because it was believed that the soul entered the body in Cancer.

He spoke of his soul, the longing of his soul, and began to give it expression, aesthetic arrangements,

but Jupiter Uranus, unleashed, asked for more, they asked for Labours that would transform him, his body, inside out.

What do you mean?

A knife

to cut me up.


Are you sure?


No, dad.

We better do our research.


Venus ordering Psyche to separate the seeds by Felice Giani, 1794, Palazzo Laderchi (picture copyright Marco Cavina)

It’s still a work in progress, nothing is definite.

It suits me.

Chart for July 3, 2002

He submitted to the union of Psyche and Eros, not in the dark,


Psyche and Eros by Giuseppe Crespi, 1707

not in the dark recesses of his mind,

but on the operating table.

He submitted to the people who would care for him, the people who would take him to the underworld to get a pot of beauty from the goddess, put two coins between his lips,

and bring him back whole,

change his reflection

and give him entrance to-

No, no,

change his reflection

to create a new group.


Chart for Baudouin I of Belgium, born September 7, 1930, data from birth record

His father did the unthinkable, capitulated to the Germans during World War II, and when the war was over, the people of Belgium would not take him back as king. They took his son instead, Baudouin I of Belgium.

Uranus in the fourth house can speak of reinvention. He reinvented himself and his homeland, and brought honour back to the title of King of Belgium.

Titles are in the seventh house, as are contracts and marriage. He had a title of influence and a title that made him an institution.

He married  the Spanish noblewoman Doña Fabiola de Mora y Aragón, a woman willing to participate in the reinvention, bringing unity to the land.

They were always together, always holding each other,

because he never submitted to the union of Psyche and Eros. He kept the romance alive, needing her to find cohesion and wholeness.

On April 4, 1990, during his Saturn return and Jupiter return, he asked the government to declare him temporarily unable to reign for a day, the day the law on abortion was passed. He refused to give the law Royal Assent, and in the case of being unable to reign, the government could pass it without him.

He refused to submit to his role as king because of her, they say her religion, but she had not been able to carry a child to term, her body would not allow it, and she had suffered at least five miscarriages, five made public.

What she had wanted most, what they had wanted most in the polarity of father and mother.

He could not sign the law.

Eros before king.

He died in 1993 and his title went to his brother Albert.


In the beginning there was darkness and chaos

and from the darkness and the chaos

came Eros,

love that comes with longing,

to reach, to fulfill, a reason to live.


Pan and Psyche by Edward Burne-Jones, 1872

To tap into this longing


Chart for September 27, 1930, the day of the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction

the way he did


Chart for Adolph Hitler, born April 20, 1889, Austria, data from birth record

can be a dangerous thing.


Chart for September 27, 1930, timed to match Hitler’s chart

Mastery in Leo, where there is a spotlight, where there are high standards, where there is a scapegoat,  sign of his Midheaven

and digging in the riches of Gemini, where there are tools, where there is rescue, where there are words, Gemini in the ninth house of wisdom

to attract people from every echelon of society, every institution.

It was now or never, now, during his Uranus opposition Uranus, that he had to distinguish himself and offer a solution that would solve everyone’s problems.

He may have given a speech on this day

that caught people’s attention

tapping into their longing

or sending chills down their bodies in horror.

Either way, he had them captivated

and it had made him feel whole.

He realized after the speech that he’d had an orgasm, the smell of his semen drifted to his nose.

His psyche had found Eros.





Chart for Albert II of Belgium, born June 6, 1934, Brussels, data from memory, autobiography, or birth certificate

Third child of Queen Astrid who died when he was a year old.

His public in Aries in the fourth house with the ruler in Gemini. He walked the streets of Belgium to meet his subjects, hi, how do you do, what’s your good name. He listened to what people had to say, feedback on how the country was doing, and he learned to be careful not to make promises.

He found that the best solution to accommodate everyone’s needs was to boost trade, export Belgian goods, and they say that he led hundreds of missions to promote Belgian companies abroad. Now that the Congo was gone.


Chart for August 12, 1966, timed to match his rising sign

By 1966 all three of their children were born.

They say that he had been unfaithful from the beginning of their marriage, and that she now wanted a divorce.

But the children were heirs to the throne.

A memory came back to her, a visit to an astrologer.


Chart for Queen Paola of Belgium, born September 11, 1937, Italy, data from birth record

Your marriage may take you to a faraway place, somewhere you haven’t been to before.


Hmm. Let’s hope he doesn’t have secret love affairs. But don’t worry, if he does, you’re bound to find out. There’s a truthteller in Sagittarius.


There’s no leaving him, though, not with Saturn in the fourth house. Blood ties. Heirs. You’re a princess after all. He may become king.

I feel faint.

(to her assistant) Please get her a glass of water.   (continues) It may very well be you having the affairs, what with the ruler of the fifth house in the eighth, tsk tsk, hanky panky. Uranus and Venus can fool around. And the ruler of the eighth in Virgo, a Solar Virgo, are you? It may bring out the side of Virgo that the goddess Baubo rules.

I’ve never heard of her.

This is all happening above the horizon, so be careful, or you’ll make headlines.

I’ll be good.

Good girl. Let’s see. Fire in the water houses, populated with warriors and crusaders and royalty. They’ll give you good advice. You have an interest in the arts, I see. A promoter of the arts, and crafts as well, and an interest in heritage. You’ll do well, but don’t spend too much or they’ll gossip about you.

Okay. But how do I fix the problem with affairs?

You make an agreement with him. Straightforward. It’ll be the 60s, a good time for women to assert themselves. There will be disapproval, but it’s between you and him.

What do I tell him?

You tell him that if he can find satisfaction outside the marriage, then so can you. Call it an open marriage and make him sign it, agree on what to do if you get pregnant. Don’t worry, you’ll settle down once the kids get older.

Will I be happy?

Happiness will come with understanding. After all it’s your synastry that’s causing this. Your Jupiter may very well make him king, but you fire up the twelfth house and take witches to a whole new level. Go on pilgrimages to assuage it.


Belgium. French speaking Wallonia and Flemish speaking Flanders. The Flemish movement for a more autonomous Flanders grew into disrepute after World War II because of its association with the Nazi occupation. In the 50s it re emerged more tamed, there to protect the culture and language of the Flemish community. It re emerged and it grew.

With Jupiter’s transit through Cancer and Mars joining him in 1966, the movement came to the fore, different factions within the movement calling for federalism or separatism. Whose king and queen are they, asked the separatists. We don’t see our reflection in their lake, give us our own lake.

With the Sun in Leo during the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction, there was the question of identity. In Cancer was a lake where Psyche could find Eros and feel like it belonged. A lake where the stories told were the stories of their parents and grandparents, in a language they understood.

There came divisions in the movement, left, centre and right, and all three sides had appeal, all three sides tapped into people’s longing for union with Eros.

The three water signs were activated,

to be taken under in Scorpio,

the Sirens in Pisces,

and in Cancer Psyche’s search for Eros.

People directed their longing to a cause that promised rescue and fulfilment.

To be in and not left out, inside Cancer’s protective shell.


When he became king, Albert II said that the nationalistic side of the Flemish movement reminded him of the nationalism of the 30s. Be careful, he warned.

They say he played the role of the unifier with his natal Jupiter in Libra, the quest of unifying the land, the negotiator who helped form a coalition in government.

The quest of preserving the monarchy.

There was a rumour he had a child out of wedlock, a rumour that the nationalistic side of the Flemish movement picked up. Let’s follow this clue, they said, and see where it takes us.

We never agreed on what to do if you had a child, his wife whispered to him.

Let me first pass the oar to Philippe and secure the lineage, he said. We’ll discuss it after that.

The moment you pass the oar, you will lose your immunity.

So be it.


Chart for July 22, 2013, timed to match his rising sign

Chart for Delphine Boël, February 22, 1968, Belgium, data  from birth record


The media sought her out. Are you the king’s daughter?

I have a private life, she said. No comment.

But they wouldn’t leave her alone. Her illegitimacy became public and began to follow her around.

Her midheaven in Scorpio in the eleventh house, the family that she belongs to, and Mars conjunct Saturn in Aries, fourth house of roots.


Is he your father?

They weren’t concerned about her, her husband or her children. It was bigger than her. She became the medium to get to the king.

Leo in her house of crisis, Leo where there is an illegitimate child,

and the Sun in Pisces in the third house.

War in the heavens with the village that raised her. She says they called her a troublemaker, a bastard, why didn’t your mother take the pill?

She tried to settle the matter privately, but the palace could not be reached.

She was a victim of the media, the village that raised her and an unreachable father, a victim of the immorality in Pisces,

others holding her chart and using her as a medium

in the sign where the walls are permeable.

She took hold of it for the sake of her children. She would not leave this matter for her children to deal with. She would not be used as a medium to get to the king. She would get to the king herself for her own purpose.

Her work is in Libra and she took counsel.

Venus, ruler of Libra in the tenth house and Taurus in the fifth, is in Aquarius where there are universal rights, the rights of children, marginalized illegitimate children.

The king announced that he would abdicate on July 21, 2013,

the year Jupiter transited Cancer, the year Mars joined Jupiter in Cancer, and she knew she would not rest until she was given a proper title.


The family’s strength was to rise above it all and meet cordially at the palace.



The Gen Z Eminem,

Eminem whose irreverent self appropriated a subculture. Of the Pluto and Uranus in Libra generation, he took an arrangement and created something new, accessible to the hoi polloi, black or white.


Chart for June 30, 1995, the day bbno$ was born

He says that he had an injury his last year of high school, broke his back playing rugby, and boredom had him making music. Boredom in 2013 had him following Eminen.

He’d found his type of music, but the mood wasn’t right.

Serious lyrics about his depression sounded stupid to him.

Boone   So you weren’t really bored. You were depressed.

bbno$   Seriously depressed, and expressing how I felt made me feel stupid, ridiculous.

Boone   It’s your Moon. She’s bringing out the funnies in Leo. Add the centaur’s irreverence and Enki humour, and you’ve got-


bbno$   An amalgamation of ridiculousness, beautifully measured, practiced to perfection, with a catchy beat.

Boone   Your back’s doing great.

bbno$   Yeah, I’m thinking of studying kinesiology at some point, and maybe getting a PhD.

Boone   You know, you’re the generation that was told gays weren’t bad, that AIDS wasn’t a gay disease, anyone could get it, so wear a condom. 

bbno$   I know, I carry a pack everywhere I go. What generation are you?

Boone   I’m the generation that was told Muslims weren’t bad, post 9/11. We dig in cultures foreign to us to create a better world.

bbno$   How does that translate into music?

Boone   Universal themes. What about you?

bbno$   I puncture universal themes. Every song I write is a universe with laws of its own.


Boone   Yeah, but something happened with it boy, you reached out beyond your universe. You grew confident in the industry.

bbno$   I responded to Aliyah’s interlude-

Boone   You clawed her.

Beware the claw.


bbno$   All in good humour. We’re in the entertainment business after all. So, where’s your Moon?



Chart for June 25, 2002, the day Benson Boone was born

bbno$   In the sign of Pan. You must love the outdoors.

Boone   I do.

bbno$   And you sing about love.

Boone   Longing for love. If I’ve lost it, I want it back. If I have it, I want it to stay. If I don’t have it, I want to find it.

Boone’s mom   I feel better now that he’s found an outlet in music. Otherwise I felt like I was holding him from the precipice. 


bbno$   A universal theme in all its multiplicity.

Boone   But every song has to be mine, a labour of love, and I don’t bring them from the mountaintop until they feel like prayers. Every song a prayer.


bbno$   Now I know why you quit American Idol. Too in-the-box.

Boone   The planets wouldn’t let me submit to the golden ticket.


Eros-Phanes hatched from the world egg and circled by the zodiac, Greco-Roman bas relief, ca. 2nd century AD, Modena Museum

Libra’s scales carried by a naked youth. The circle of animals complete.


Chart for October 17, 1972, the day Eminem was born

Rap battles, he was introduced to rap battles. By then he had been learning the art form, practising the art form for a while, passionately. Now the challenge of being creative on the spot, listening and finding rhyme simultaneously to respond, with attitude that would distinguish him.

Beau laid, there is beau laid in Libra, the ability to turn the ugly into the beautiful, the marginal into an art form, tribal language into an art form.

There is war in Libra, and arrangements,

and in Gemini there is boxing, there are duets,

and in Aquarius there are

life size cut-outs of police officers,


alter egos,

Constable Scarecrow,

Slim Shady.

The ability to split in Aquarius,


Tros and Ganymede by Julien de Parme, 1778

have a conversation with the alter ego, the shadow twin,


dark Apollo.


Chart for October 17, 1972, St. Joseph, Missouri, timed


His work is in Cancer in the ninth house of wisdom, wisdom that comes after a crisis, and the Moon is in Aquarius in the fourth house, house of the Nadir, Cancer the natural ruler.

The wisdom to clean out the closet,

in a square to Mercury in Scorpio,

open the door for all to see,

take revenge

through an art form and an alter ego.

There is home and homeland in Cancer, the bubble that protects us, a lake of memories,

and the Moon in Aquarius is of service to society, of service to the lake,

in a square to Scorpio where Apollo protects Artemis, where Apollo and Artemis protect their mother, a mother who gave birth on a floating island, cursed by Hera, a mother with the magic to turn men who would not let her children drink from a water fountain into frogs.

Scorpio, taught to keep secrets, to hush about things left unspoken, things lying beneath the surface, found a way to tell them,

sideways, digging in Libra to create something new in Libra,

and found a way to live with a truce.

There is locality in him, tied to the motherland, the hood, family.

He takes the worst, the drugs, the violence, the abuse, and makes it palatable.

Libra does not work alone. Dr. Dre gave him the stamp of approval, and there was Proof and the D12 and others. An art form that does not work solo, the rapper and his hype man.


He married his high school sweetheart, a part of his concept of beauty. When he married her again, seventh from the seventh house, she became the target of his arrows.

His strength tied to Capricorn,


his place, to tell the truth about his lake.

He says that what he is most proud of is the children he has raised, a daughter, a niece and a step son,

the children he rescued.

Storyteller. There is a campfire in Leo, and a branch with the potential to grow roots. Leo in the tenth house of reputation with the Sun in Libra in the twelfth house, house behind the scenes, house of the unremembered dead, forgotten artists.


Libra joined to Scorpio by Scorpio’s rulers, he appropriates them and resurrects them, not to be forgotten,


to the point that artists invite him to borrow from them, keep them alive,

keep the conversation going,

between artists of different periods and different styles in the shared lake of American music.

Jupiter in a square to Pluto behind him, of influence in ways he may never know.

Pisces in his fifth house of creativity and creations, with the ruler in Capricorn looking for order, structure, some bones,

something he could master without anyone’s authority but his own.

He says that he watched the movie Breakin’ when it first came out in 1984, during his first Jupiter return, and his uncle got the soundtrack and it was life-changing.


With Pluto making his entry into Aquarius,

he is killing his alter ego, the death of Slim Shady, coup de grâce.

Doesn’t need him anymore.

Transitioning into feeling whole.


Eros and Psyche by François Gérard, 1798

